Chapter 13 - A long-length reminder

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Cheese along with the squirrel kids continued the search for Creamocchia, this time going out to the fields. With no idea where to start first, the group went wherever their thoughts guided them, calling out Creamocchia's name in the hopes of receiving any sort of reply. The guilt that Cheese and Jessica carried from this situation continued to enter their thoughts from time to time, but it never slowed them down from finding the friend they felt dear to.

"There must be somewhere we haven't tried," Calvin wondered as they stopped at a crossroads. "Have any of us tried any of the branching pathways here?"

"Can't say I have," Jessica responded.

"I haven't either," Cheese also replied. "We've been pretty much everywhere that Creamocchia would know about, so it can't hurt to try this path."

"Think Jessica, think," said the squirrel to herself patting her finger against her head. "If Creamocchia was trying to find the school, where on earth could she have traveled to?"

"You said nobody around Kelly Leaf Village saw her, so we could try and find somebody we haven't asked," Calvin suggested.

"But I can't remember each and every single person that Daddy and I asked at the village. What if we kept running into people we already asked? There's a lot of them."

Jessica then had an idea all of a sudden, snapping her fingers and let out an irritated groan having not thought of something like this sooner.

"What is it, Jess?" Calvin asked, "forgotten something?"

"More like I've realized something so obvious! The carnival was tonight! You know the one all the kids at school wouldn't be quiet about?!"

"I wasn't at school Jess, remember?"

"Oh right, you skipped it again. Guess I was so focused on my work that I didn't look to find you. One of these days you're going to get kicked out."

"Yeah, I know," he replied casually as if such a warning meant nothing to him.

"All the bickering from the students and that bully, Marine the Raccoon picking on me for no reason, ugh I just wanted to get out of there today!"

"Are you done?" asked Calvin already bored of the topic.

"Oh yeah, sorry. But what if Creamocchia possibly went to the carnival? Everybody else was going so maybe she followed them there hoping to find the school?"

"That is a possibility," Cheese wondered. If you didn't say anything about a carnival, I wouldn't have ever known about it. Most Chao like me doesn't go to Kelly Leaf Village or most places all that much. We like our secret garden too much."

"Then we could always give that a try," said Calvin. Do we know where it is?"

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