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"Are you stupid? Harry, you let her get away! She's going to tell everyone where you are- what you look, and how to find you!" The voice says.

"No, she won't." I say simply. "She's too scared of me." I say standing up, throwing my jacket across my shoulders.

'Shouldn't you just wait? It could be quite amusing to just watch her. She won't be able to eat, sleep, or even go outside without having that feeling you're following her.' The voice said wickedly.

"No, I'm going to go out and find her. Her soul is of value to me, and I want it back." I say walking out side.

'Harry, you remember the last time you left the school? We almost got cau-" He says, rapidly.

"There is no "we." You're just a figment of my imagination." I say smirking.

'You and I both know that's not true."

I remember. I remember the exact day, August 29, 2011. I still have the scar from where JC pulled the bullet out of my hip.

Walking down the street with my hood on, I see people laughing. It seems brighter out- more cheerful even?

Then I see the all to familiar object. The humming bird necklace. Ella's humming bird necklace. I pick up the silver object and let it dangle from my fingers, watching it sway from the wind.

"Look what we have here.." I say looking up. Muddy footprints, only seven; however, leading down a road I knew all to well.

The road leading to my last house, the one my mum and sister were..killed.

"Hmm." With that, I place it into I'm jacket pocket beginning the journey to find the one thing I wanted most.


"I'll find you princess.." I smirk.


I woke up with a jolt.

"Oh! I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to scare you." Alice said with her hands over her mouth.

"It's alright." I say sitting up, abruptly.

"Go get a shower, you smell like rat poisoning." She said lowering her eyebrows, and scrunching her nose.

"The bathroom is to the left right?"

"The water pressure isn't good, use the one in my room. Upstairs, third door to the right." She mumbles through her Reese's Puffs.

I walk upstairs, and into her room. I see numerous pictures of us as kids, her boyfriend and her, and some of her family. I borrow jeans, a sweater and a hair tie.

After I get out of the shower, I put the clothes on and throw my hair into a medium sized slinky bun. Walking downstairs I throw my towel into her laundry room.

"I'm going on a walk." I announce, picking up my phone and shoes.

"Alright." Alice calls in response.

Little does she know, I won't be coming back.

I run into the woods and stumble upon a clearing. A very small, quaint clearing.

I'm only about a mile from my house, I could r-


I snap my head around to see what made the noise.

"Baine?" I say awestruck.

He walks over to me tail between his legs. Something's wrong.

"What has happened to you!" I say looking at his back.

Bloody gashes, three of them, across his lower back.

But I know what happened, my father happened. Whenever he got angry, he'd beat Macks and I. I guess because we weren't there, he took it out on Baine. He probably escaped through the porch door, that's been broken for weeks.

"You're like a mile from home? How are you here?" I say rubbing his ears. 

I don't understand, this never happens. It's impossible, he couldn't of tracked me this far could he of? 

He started licking my face and neck, but then I realized something was missing. My necklace. I frantically patted the ground.

"Looking for this?" A voice says, placing the necklace in front of my face.

"Oh my god, thank you so much! I owe you!" I say breathlessly clipping it around my neck.

"You could follow through with your side of the deal.." The voice says lowly.

Ever so slowly, I turn my head.


"I told you I'd find you Ella. I'll always find you."

Darkness is the only thing I see in his eyes before I fall.

"Night love."

This is a different chapter, if you haven't realized. I had to rewrite this because Wattpad thought killing a dog is "cruel." So, Baine is still alive. I suppose he ran off. What a good dog he is. Anyways. HE WILL RUN TO ALICE. That's how Alice knows Ella is missing. That won't be clarified in the next chapter. PS I'm writing A/N down here so you'll actually read this.(;

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