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I'm frozen. I can't move, I'm standing here in front of a man who is gazing back at me, like I'm a piece of meat. A smirk spreads across his face and he starts to move towards me. It takes everything I have to take a step backwards. I start running. I don't scream, no I'm not that stupid, he'd hear me and follow. But what's the good in running anyways, he's following me anyways. I run to the nearest door that looks like it would lead outside. I push it open with a great force only to lead to another corridor. I run down the stairs and through this room that I open with three broken book shelves. I slow down, coming to a slow walk looking around quietly. tap. I sling around so fast my heartbeat picks up and my palms get sweaty. Water. Just water. I turn back around and keep walking forwards.

I feel like crying. What have I done. I'm locked inside a building with a man I haven't even seen up close. I turn into a classroom, with a single desk- etched into the desk were tally marks? 5, 10, 15, 20.... I begin counting all the tally marks. 3,285 marks. People? An old algebra question answer?Days maybe? Then it hit me. Like a punch to the mouth.

3,285 divided by 364 equals 9...9 years ago Harry Styles escaped the asylum. Harry Styles is in this building, with me. I need to leave, Now.

I start running tears forming on my water line. Tear ducts burning, threating to spill. I run into a door making it fall of its old, rusty hinges and toppling to the ground with a loud crash. It doesn't stop me, though. Then, I'm stopped by a sound. knock, knock, step, knock, knock, step. Then wistling to an oldly familiar tune.

For the first time in my entire life, I wanted nothing more than to be home. I crouched down, looking around me. I see it. The door. I make a run for it, raming into the latch that opens it and break out of the prison I was dared to enter. I exhale and begin quickly walking when hands wrap around my waist and mouth pulling me back into the school.


"Let's make this simple, you shut your mouth and don't move and there won't be an issue." I say directly into her ear almost a whisper. I pick her up roughly and carry her to a room. My room. I throw her off me and she lands with an 'umph.'

Part of me wants to laugh at her weakness, the other part of me however feels bad. 'Don't feel bad for her. She entered your building! No one enters your building Harry. She's not worth your sympathy!' The voice I've been hearing for years yells at me. "She probably didn't even know I was in here." I mumble back. 'Does it matter! Harry, she's still here! She had the choice to leave before she saw you and she stayed. This is all her decision!' I start pacing around the room mumbling incoherent word. "Are you okay?" The girls voice says, audibly nervous. "I told you to keep your fućking mouth shut!" I yell in her face. She says away, putting her head down.

"I told you, we wouldn't have an issue if you kept your mouth closed. Didn't I?" She nods, eyes starting to water. "Then do what I say." I sit beside her. She's crying? "Why are you crying?" I say wiping her tears. She looks at me and points to her mouth. "You may speak when I ask you a question." I say aggravated. "You're scaring me.." She says quietly. "I'm sorry, I don't mean to scare you. You just need to listen to me, alright?" I say making her look at me. She's beautiful. Blackish brown hair, crystal blue eyes, she's quite short though- only about 5'3.

"Let's g.." I start standing up when I hear something I had never wanted to hear again. Police sirens start going off. "What's going on." She says worriedly. "For the last time! Shut up! Gòd dammįt!" I hit her. I don't know why, but I did. Hard. So hard, her eyes closed and she went limp. 'Good job, Harry, you killed her.' "No, no. No! Wake up, please.... Wake up!" I say shaking her around. I hear footsteps enter the premises and I pick her up. I run, quietly, to the next door room. I unlock the door with my key. It's a clever lock, if I do say so myself. It locks underneath a hinge. Anyways, I set her down on the office desk. This is the cleanest room in the entire building. Nobody but myself has ever been back here.

Footsteps get louder. "ELLA!" I hear men yell, and run through the halls straight past this room. But a flash of light passes the door like they were searching it. I hold my breath and look at the girl, Ella, I guess is her name. What a beautiful name...I hear rattling of the knob and I beg. 'Please don't wake up...please.' If she wakes up she'll scream, and I'll be caught. I am not going back to that place. I'm not crazy. I'm not insane! I'm not crazy.

The shaking ceases. "Men! The doors been opened in the back hallway, she's not here." I hear a man yell through his radio. Footsteps walk away from the door and out of the building. Cars leaving, send a breath rushing from my lungs. I open the door and walk into the hallway. I look left, then right. Then I see it. One car, one non-official car out the main doors. Someone's still here... I look left again but a man is standing gun drawn staring at me.

"We meet again." He says walking forwards. This wasn't a police officer though. It was my uncle. The one who sent me to that prison. "You're going back, and you won't escape this time. I promise you." He says smirking. "No. I'm not going back there!" I ran into him full speed knocking the gun out of his hand. We roll around until I reach the gun. I stand up aiming it at his torso. 'Shoot. Shoot it Harry! Or he'll send you back.' The voice tells me. I look at him and he looks at me with pleading eyes. I look away. "Harry n-" He begins. 'BANG BANG BANG BANG.' Four times I shot him. Four times he tried to kill me. He's gone. I look at the body and the gun in my hands. I killed him.



'BANG BANG BANG BANG' four gunshots? I stand up with a burning sensation on my cheek. I walk out of the room and look right. Nothing. Then left. I gasp. A body with four holes drilled into the torso. "Harry?" I say faintly. Then, it goes black.

A/N: proud of this chapter.

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