Chad finally breaks

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IT'S NOT FAIR!!! I groan opening my eyes to a bunch of sunlight pouring through the room. Keep it down your sister is trying to sleep. I look at the clock on my bedside 5 in the afternoon. I guess I really was tired. THIS IS EXACTLY WHAT I MEAN!! Lately it's been about her all the time he says angry. Its been really tough for her right now so I'm sorry if I haven't been paying much attention to you. You know what just forget it. I mean. The one thing that's about me it gets pushed to the side. I'm not trying to be selfish but Football is important to me dad. I want you there for it but you can't even do that. I'm sorry I couldn't be there I really am but I had to take your sister to therapy to help her get better. When are you gonna see that she's never gonna get better she tried to kill herself for f**ks sake. He's really angry now.
I've thought about going in there let them know I'm awake but decided against it. I just secretly listened.

She's a lost cause just sucking up all of your attention. That's not true and you know it dad says. It is true. You could practically hear him in tears. Where were you when I needed you!!! You were with her!!! I lost my mom too not just her no one has stopped to ask me how I am? How I'm feeling? Truth is no one knew how I was feeling because I always had to be strong for her because she was a mess. You never once stopped to think about me. Am I that terrible of a son.
(This is the next scene that happens except he is not showing him anything)

I I Um I have practice I sh should go Caleb says wiping his eyes with the back of his hands. Caleb wait. I really have to go I'll see you later he says walking out the door fast. Is he ok I ask before I even realize it. You heard that didn't you he asked me. I'm sorry I woke up I was just worried. It's okay come here he says opening his arms. Is he gonna be ok I ask pulling away from the hug. I don't know I think we just have to give him some time. I didn't mean to steal you away from him I say. I know I think he knows that too. He has a lot of feelings right now he's just trying to process it all. He did not mean to put blame on you. Are you going to his game tonight I ask changing the subject. He has a game tonight he said it was just practice. Are you sure he asks his voice wary. I'm sure they've been talking about it at school all week I say. What time does it start? 6 I say.  It's 5:30 if we hurry we can make it.

Words: 518
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