Slept all day

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When I woke up the next day I looked at the clock on my beside table it read 12am I jumped up frantic wondering why my brother didn't wake me up. I went around the house to see if anyone was home so far nothing. When I reached the kitchen there was a note on the counter "Dad said you don't have to go school today. Your lucky you didn't go little miss tattletale. Everyone hates you now. I Hate you, your favorite brother." I sighed of relief I didn't have to go today.

It sucks him making it seem like people actually liked me in the first place, no one does they never did and he is not my favorite brother he's far from it. He is the worst brother in the world. I had this tingly familiar feeling in my wrist I tried to ignore it but I just couldn't so I went to the bathroom . I got out my razor and I started cutting deep cuts painful cuts making me spring tears in my eyes. Don't cry, stop crying you baby. I heard the door open and close so I put the razor away quickly cleaning up my arm and went out.

Hey sweetie how are you feeling my dad said. Like crap I answered in a monotoned voice. Come here he said motioning his arms out for me. I went and hugged him. He asked me if I wanted to watch a movie so I said sure.

Tanner's POV:
At lunch I went up to chad with an angry look on my face. Where's Ivy. None of your business nerd chad said. I am not nerd I say defending myself. You hang out isn't my sister a fellow nerd, no actually worse so ya you are he says smirking. WHERE THE HE** IS IV'Y!!!!! WHERE IS SHE!!! Aww does the nerd have a crush chad said. I couldn't hold it in I really tried I just punched him in the face. Not gonna lie it felt good to wipe that smug smirk of his face. He started punching back. Everyone was yelling fight fight fight there was a big crowd. Before I knew it I was on the floor with a bloody nose.

A teacher came up and stopped all of the commotion and walked us to the principles office. Why did you punch him? He deserved it he's a horrible person. Now Mr. Deighton we don't say that here no one is horrible. Mr Taylor what do you have to say for yourself? He just came at me started yelling at me and than he punched me so I was only trying to protect myself I did nothing to provoke him chad said. Bullsh*t I thought he did everything to provoke me but I wasn't gonna say it out loud knowing I'd get in more trouble than I already am. Detention after school both of you I don't want this to happen again understood boys. Yes ma'm we both said. You can go back to class she says.

We left the principles office and I just wanted to get out of there as fast as I could. Sc**w going back to class. She's at home chad said. What? Ivy, she's at home he says again. Oh uh thanks. Ya don't wear it out chad said. It was 7th period now I guess time flys by when your sitting in the principles office. My nose is okay it's a little broken but nothing serious I had to put a cast on it. I still didn't care about going to class if Ivy wasn't gonna be in there so I ditched, I left and went home. When I got there my mom was home already, just great. Getting into a fight what were you thinking my mom said sternly. To be honest I wasn't thinking. And look where that got you Tanner a broken nose, we talked about this you're supposed to control your anger like how the doctor showed you and why aren't you in 7th period. I ditched I didn't want to be there, I tried those stupid exercises it didn't work okay just leave me alone ground me do whatever you want just leave me be I yelled as I walked up stairs into my room slamming the door behind me. It's been a while and no ones come to talk to me which is good I could feel myself getting tired no matter how many times I tried to fight it I couldn't so I just gave up.

Lydias POV:
We were watching a movie, I could feel myself getting tired going in and out of sleep it was getting hard to fight it. I soon felt myself getting picked up I'm assuming getting carried to my room, he gently laid me down in bed putting the covers over me and kissed my forehead telling me goodnight get some good rest okay. I didn't respond I just let sleep take me away and before I knew it i was out like a light.

Tanner got into a fight with chad for ivy what will Ivy have to say about?
🎶: Marielle- slept all day
Words: 874

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