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225 days remaining

The sun shone brightly in the sky. It was burning hot. The stench of perspiration was lingering in the air. The air conditioning wasn't doing shit and so the students resorted to fanning themselves with their books or hands. The teacher continued teaching, bothered by the heat but not letting it show.

Aito had his head on the table. His unblinking gaze was fixed on a small bird perched on a branch. The bird was seeking shelter from the merciless heat.

Sweat dripped from his eyebrows but he didn't bother to wipe it off. His thoughts wandered far off as his eyes trailed down to some students walking and chatting with their peers.

Maybe if it wasn't for the curse could he have lived a normal life?

Could he have made friends?

What would have that life been like?

Would he have been happy?

What did happiness feel like?......

He was brought out of this state when he saw a dull spirit lingering behind them. He was shifted back to reality and it heavily disappointed him. Veering himself out of his thoughts, he decided on focusing in class but it was too late for that now as the bell had rung indicating the start of the next period.


He sluggishly ran his laps under the heat. His shirt was clinging onto his torso like a second skin and that disgusted him. Breathlessly, he completed his laps and went and sat under a nearby tree.

There was another class who had physical education along with them. He watched the girls of both the classes crowd around a guy from the next class.

Shun Hasegawa had recently joined the school. He had transferred from America just recently. His Japanese was pretty good so were his looks. He was the typical 'everybody likes him' boy. But Aito wouldn't deny the fact that the other did look handsome. From his hair to the gentle wide smile that rested on his face. He was picturesque.

Shun felt like someone was staring at him intensely, almost like burning holes into the side of his face. He turned to look at Aito who widened his eyes and turned his face away, a deep red blush coating his pale white cheeks. Shun widened his eyes and turned back to the crowd of girls surrounding him in an attempt to divert his attention but the image of the pale boy with a red blush was already imprinted in his mind.

Aito didn't expect that he'd be caught staring. 'That guy must probably think that I'm some creep or something.' He thought to himself.

Suddenly he felt a chill. Looking beside him he saw the pale, almost transparent figure of a young woman dressed in a kimono. "Himiko-san!?"

"Aiiitooo-kuuuunnn!" She squealed hugging onto him tightly, pressing her whole being against his. He shuddered and tried to get away. "I missed you so much, Aito-kuunnn. It gets so lonely during the weekends when I have no one to talk to!"

Himiko-san was the ghost of a young woman who lived centuries ago. She had died in her sleep on the eve of her wedding and her spirit never really crossed over to the other side. Her spirit continued to linger at the place she died and years later when the school was built over her place she still stayed. Himiko was actually a very quiet spirit and never caused any sort of trouble for the living that was until one day she saw Aito staring at her dumbfoundedly. She thought that she was just dreaming but as days passed by she always found him staring at her. She soon realized the boy had a bad habit of staring at good looking people for too long. Hesitantly she one day approached him and realized that he could actually see her and ever since then she followed him around at school whenever he was alone or whenever nobody was around him.

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