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203 days remaining

Shun tried to concentrate in class and failed miserably. He felt his chair jolt slightly. He turned and gave Haru a look of annoyance. "Stop tapping your shoe! It's getting annoying." Haru whisper yelled. Shun stuck out his tongue at him in defiance but he stopped tapping his shoe anyway only to start tapping his fingers on the desk. He heard a groan from behind him so he tucked his hands in his pockets, slouching on the chair.

Shun had tried to talk to Aito again but that guy was like some slippery weasel or something. Every single time Shun tries to get to him Aito always escapes. And lately the guy has been avoiding him like the plague. He mentally groaned.

By the end of the class, Haru had wacked his head a couple of times for being a bother.

"What is with you! Do you have to be such a distraction." Haru reprimanded him.

"Even with this "distraction" you still manage get top scores. What are you even complaining for?" Shun retorted.

Haru flicked Shun's forehead earning a scowl from him. "What's troubling you?"

Shun hesitated for awhile but then just decided to tell him. "There's someone....", he mumbled.

"If it's you then there always is."

Shun tried to smack Haru's arm but the other dodged it. Haru smirked. "Did that someone break your heart, brutally tatter and tear it?"

"Oh shut up! I just want to.....get to know them."

"Mhm. How are they like?"

"Quiet, extremely. Just like how you were."

Haru scrunched his face, "Rude. What do you even like about this person?"

"Honestly I don't know...."

Haru looked at Shun unconvincingly and Shun shrugged.

"Well then, if you wanna have a conversation with him then you have to initiate it and also you have to keep it going on cause it's gonna be a one-sided conversation." Haru told him.

"You talking from experience, eh. Is that how it was with you and Mei?"

"Shut up! Just take the advice or leave it."

Shun now only had to get the slimy weasel in his grips now. He could handle the rest.


Once the school day ended, Shun stood at the gate waiting for Aito. He saw him walking towards the gate and at the same time Aito noticed him. Aito narrowed his eyes at the boy and walked as far away as possible from him. But being the persistent idiot Shun was, he quickly caught up and grabbed him by his wrist. "I want to talk to you!" He declared.

"That's great but I need to go to work." Aito deadpanned. "Then I'll come with. We have to go in the same direction anyway."

'How persistent is THIS GUY?!!' Aito thought.

He hmph'ed and walked forward with Shun tailing behind him.

"Soooooooo how was your day?" Shun asked.

Uneventful." Came the reply.

Shun internally cheered himself on. 'You can do this Shun. He atleast answered. This awkward conversation will wan out. This is atleast better than being avoided.'


'You can't do shit!'



"What are your likes and dislikes?"

"I like peace and quiet and dislike loud people."

'I am loud?' He sighed in his mind.

"This is dumb! What do you want to actually talk about?!" Aito said getting agitated.

Can we be friends?"



"Because no." Aito said dryly.

"Come on! Will you ever find a guy like me anywhere. We share such a big thing in common." Shun said.

"It's not a valid reason for that."

Shun grumbled, "Alright then, do you watch anime?"


"Great! That's another thing we have in--"

"I watch hentai too. Do we have that in common?"

Shun was flabbergasted. ".............no."

"Welp. Too bad. Guess we can't be friends. How unfortunate. Breaks my heart, really." Aito said monotonously.

"I didn't expect that....I thought--"

"Don't judge a book by it's cover."

"Uh sorry. But that's fine. Doesn't stop us from becoming friends because--"

"Still no."

"Why no?"

"Just because!" Aito said exasperated.

Shun let out an irritated sigh. "Then.....then it looks like I'll just have to keep asking."

"Why would you do that?!" Aito was at the last of his patience. He wished he could just snap his fingers and make the source of his aggravation disappear.

Shun didn't think that it was going to be this difficult but he was okay with it. It was actually fun.

Both the boys continued to bicker and annoy each other till they parted ways to their respective destinations.


My child watches everything anime has to offer...even hentai🤭

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