13-Faraway Dream

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Haha this song gives me pain, especially after I watched the amv. Anyway I didn't want to suffer alone so listen to it. I think it suits them.

Bye-bye I'll be in the corner wallowing in self-pity(include hate coz I tend to make myself suffer like this)......

Anywayyyyyyyyyy ENJOY THE CHAPTER!! It's the last. :')....


15 days remaining

After Himiko went he felt like he had lost a part of him. She was that integral part in his life who stood beside him when he was alone. He used to always wonder what would have happened if she disappeared. He feared he'd be alone again. Though now he wasn't.

He leaned on his boyfriend who was currently cutting apples for him. A few days ago, he had caught a fever. His normal pale complexion was paler. It wasn't getting any better, just worsening as days passed. He didn't want to make Shun even more worried than he already was so he always put a strong front in front of him. He didn't attend school though so Shun would daily come over with his notes and homework. The boy even took the effort to teach whatever was taught in his class.

Shun fed him a piece of apple and Aito happily munched on it.

"You know, I'm super glad that we met each other." Aito said, taking Shun by surprise(cause saying cheesy stuff is Shun's thing).

"You're the light in my life!" Aito confessed, smiling broadly. Shun started to get creeped out, "Are you possessed?"

Aito smacked his arm causing him to yelp, "The one time I try to be sweet and you have to ruin it!" He scolded.

'Ah! He's back.' Shun thought. Relieved that it wasn't an impostor in Aito's form, he grabs hold of him placing a kiss on his cheek, "I was just kidding!" He laughed. Aito pouted but gave in.

"I love you." He said burying his head in the crook of Shun's neck. "So much!" Shun tightly clutched onto the boy's delicate frame, "Me too. But I seriously think your possessed." He teased. Aito elbowed his shoulder hard before getting up and walking away. The other followed groaning in pain but still teasing.


Aito's condition worsened to the point that he was admitted in the hospital. He felt too weak. He was even paler now. Shun never failed to visit him though everytime they met he looked like he'd burst into tears.

"Was there some kind of illness you never told me about?" Shun asked.

"No. Why do you ask that?" Aito replied.

Both were laying on Aito's hospital bed. It wasn't allowed but Aito had insisted.

"Just....you talked about death a lot." He said.

"It's an interesting topic." Aito shrugged.

"Of course." Shun murmured.

"Are worried that I might die?"

"Wow! Those words just effortlessly slipped out?! You seriously are the weirdest person I've met."

Aito only smiled. Shun sighed, "Yes. I'm worried about that."

"If I did then you better move on. I'd rather not have you moping around compelling me to come back down." Aito joked.

"Well that was way too blunt." Shun softly chuckled. "And crass."

Aito rolled his eyes, "You'd think I'm possessed if I said otherwise."

"True that." Shun smiled earning a pinch on his bicep. "So stingy." He said rubbing the assualted spot.

"Thanks...for being here with me." Aito confessed. 'Thanks for coming into my life.' He thought. Shun placed a light kiss on his lips, "Anytime babe." He smirked goofily. Aito chuckled.

Shun reluctantly left around 11.30pm. Aito had thought that he'd feel horrible leaving Shun but it wasn't like that. Yes, he was sad but he was happy that he was able to make memories with him and he hoped that Shun would make new memories with another special person after he was gone.

He closed his eyes falling into a dream where the two of them were beside each other......



So....wanna share tissues with me??

I honestly can't believe I actually completed a story. I hope it was good.


I'm gonna miss these two babies. They're so precious. I'm writing other stories too so when I publish them do check it out.

Thank you for being with this book till the end.

Sending ma love,
PriestYin :)

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