♡ | These Small Hours | SuguYume

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Notes: My 2 A.M brain told me to write this awhile back and it was very important that I listened. I was sad and needed something wholesome ok?


Ayume couldn't help but smile at the sight before her as she stood in the doorway.

The room had clearly seen better days, what with all of the various hairbands, ribbons, clips and combs scattered about, along with what seemed to be multiple bottles of nail polish. And there, in the middle of what could only be described as a tornado of accessories, sat the infamous curse user, Suguru Geto. Legs crossed and a goofy smile of his own spread across his face. Yet most notable however, was his hair, which had been tied up into two pigtails with matching yellow ribbons. Mimiko and Nanako standing on either side of him, proud looks on their faces as they admired their work.

"Well look at you, Suguru!" Ayume giggled as she entered into the room, moving to sit herself in front of him before placing a kiss to his forehead. "You look beautiful!" Despite the joking tone in her voice, there couldn't be any more truth to her words. Though the scene was almost comical, in that moment, beautiful was the only word that could have possibly described the look of pure happiness and adoration on his face. One that she couldn't help but stop to admire.

Though it didn't take very long for to her be snapped out of her daze as she felt a small tug on her kimono. "Can we do your hair too, Miss Ayume?" Mimiko asked, her eyes lighting up with excitement. "Yeah! We promise we'll make you look just as pretty as Master Geto!" Nanako added as her hands clapped together. Despite their unfortunate upbringing, they still managed to be so bright. And it was all thanks to Suguru. 

Ayume placed a hand on her chin, pretending to contemplate their question before turning to the small table next to them, eyeing the various bottles of nail polish and glitter placed upon it. "Hmm. I don't see why not. But only if you girls let me do your nails afterward!" She laughed. Upon hearing this, the two girls beamed before beginning to whisper and giggle about what kind of hairstyle they wanted to try out on her first.

Ayume sat there for a moment, her mind beginning to wander. It was little moments like these that made it hard to believe the situation she was in. That both she and the man beside her were considered wanted criminals, and all of this could come crashing down on them at any moment. And yet, she wouldn't trade any of it for the world. At least for now, she was home.

BONUS: The cursed spirit sat as she watched the scene play out before her. It was strange, the way the both of them seemed so gentle and full of love. A large contrast to the misery she had grown so familiar with all those years ago. To the rest of the world, they were murderers, monsters even. And yet, here they were, treating these children with all the kindness in the world as if they were their own. Though she couldn't seem to fully understand it, Rui too couldn't help but smile. 

"Humans certainly are odd creatures..."

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