♡ | Introduction

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Hello everyone!

A few months ago, my friends dragged me down into the Jujutsu Kaisen hole, and I haven't been able to get out since. Especially after developing the literal biggest crush on Suguru Geto--

With that obsession of course, came OCs. Cuz that's just how my brain works. And honestly? This is the most productive I've been in awhile. Specifically in the writing department. Although that's unfortunately come as a result of procrastinating on writing the characters actual bio but moving on--

I've been posting my writing for this OC on Tumblr for a bit now, but I figured that it wouldn't hurt to post it here as well! In this book you'll find oneshots, headcanons and stories all centered around Ayume Nejireta, as well as Genyo Anrui, an OC belonging to @-hikkups. You can also expect to see a lot of Geto in here, because I clearly have my priorities. I'll get to the bio eventually I swear---

With that being said, here are a few disclaimers. Firstly, I do not own Jujutsu Kaisen or it's characters. Nor do I own the other OCs who will occasionally make appearances in this book. Ayume is the only character present who belongs to me unless stated otherwise. Everything else belongs to it's respective owners!

Secondly, this book will contain spoilers for the Jujutsu Kaisen manga. Especially volume 0. So please proceed with caution!

And finally, this book will heavily contain OC x Canon pairings. Specifically Ayume x Geto, which I have chosen to call "SuguYume". So if you aren't a fan if these types of pairings, this unfortunately isn't the book for you.

My writing is a bit all over the place, so there won't be any sort of schedule to this. But I'll be sure and update it whenever I can! If I'm being honest, this is all just me being self-indulgent and trying to cope when it comes down to it. But nonetheless, I hope you all can find some enjoyment out of this. And if you happen to have any ideas for something I can write, don't hesitate to let me know! Writers block is not pleasant...

-Meme Friend out!

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