♡ | Modern!AU Headcanons | Geto Family

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Notes: More headcanons I wrote to procrastinate but this time, make it modern AU

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Notes: More headcanons I wrote to procrastinate but this time, make it modern AU. This is probably one of my favorite AUs if I'm being honest because it's just v fun and a great way to cope just like almost everything I write.🕴Also Ayume art in the edit once again by @-hikkups. 


♡ | It all started when Ayume Geto moved in next door with her husband and two children. 

♡ | What could possibly go wrong?

♡ | Turns out, their elderly neighbor, Rui, was none to thrilled about their house having been built on top of one of her flower gardens. Despite it happening decades before they even arrived there.

♡ | Grandma holds a grudge ok.

♡ | Thankfully, she didn't scare them off like she did any of the previous families who had lived there.

♡ | You get used to her after awhile.

♡ | The one person she happened to take a liking to was Satoru of all people, who she met during one of the family's backyard BBQs. Which are always a mess btw, needless to say.

♡ | She even made cookies for him.

♡ | Ayume and Suguru were extremely confused because of this. How did he manage to get on her good side?

♡ | "She never gives us cookies, wth."

♡ | Turns out he had been flirting with her. Big surprise.

♡ | Though in his own defense, you'd never guess Rui was a grandma just by looking at her. The neighborhood is convinced she's immortal and doesn't age.

♡ | Ever since that day, Satoru made it a point to stop by Rui's whenever he's visiting. Just because he knows flattery will get him free food.

♡ | He's rarely allowed to visit specifically for that reason. Well, that and the fact that he's just a bad influence on the girls and everyone knows it.

♡ | Then again, the family friend, Juno, isn't much better.

♡ | He somehow got ahold of the spare key, and will randomly just let himself in.

♡ | They once woke up at 3 A.M because they heard rummaging around coming from the kitchen.

♡ | Suguru instinctively grabbed a bat and went to go switch on the lights.

♡ | Only to find Juno eating out of their trash like a raccoon.

♡ | This lead to the girls new favorite excuse.

♡ | "Juno ate my homework."

♡ | We don't talk about the time he brought a rock over claiming it was his son.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 30, 2021 ⏰

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