♡ | General Headcanons | Ayume Nejireta

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Notes: These were just some random headcanons that I wrote so y'all could get to know Ayume a little better while I procrastinate on her bio

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Notes: These were just some random headcanons that I wrote so y'all could get to know Ayume a little better while I procrastinate on her bio. Enjoy this soup. Also art in the edit by @-hikkups. Bless her. 🙏💜


♡ | This girl does NOT like Gojo.

♡ | She was honestly all for Juzo making him into a coatrack.

♡ | 100% would shake around the Prison Realm hoping he'd get dizzy.

♡ | Probably yells insults at it too just in case he can hear.

♡ | The only one she can easily say she hates more than Gojo is Mahito.

♡ | Despite technically being on the same side, she can't stand him. But to be fair, who can?

♡ | She knows his name, but purposely gets it wrong out of spite. The most common names for him include Mahobo, Mojito, and Mahitoe. Amongst various other things.

♡ | She's threatened to feed him to Juno on multiple occasions and has at one point, tried to actually go through with it.

♡ | Unfortunately, the team "still needed" him.

♡ | Absolutely will not hesitate to bring up the fact that he lives in a sewer like the hobo he is.

♡ | She got to be the referee that one time they played ball with Jogo's head.

♡ | Ended up burying Mahito in the sand and then left him there with no remorse whatsoever.

♡ | Rui is her bestie, no questions asked.

♡ | Even if she does steal her food all the time but hey. Besties share.

♡ | Partners in crime. Literally.

♡ | Yuji and Sukuna who??

♡ | They rarely ever fight, but when they do, it's about guys.

♡ | Doesn't get what Rui sees in Gojo.

♡ | Like Geto is literally right there, c'mon now.

♡ | Supportive Girlfriend™

♡ | Actually kind of a simp.

♡ | Please excuse her. She just loves Geto a lot.

♡ | Literally cannot have arguments with him because all he needs to do is hug/kiss her and she forgets why she was mad.

♡ | He wins every time....

♡ | This only works with Geto though. With anyone else, she's as stubborn as they come.

♡ | She will fight for hours if you're not already knocked out from her kendama. Don't even bother please. It's not worth it.

♡ | She needs to be holding Geto's hand or at least have their pinkies locked at all times. This is not negotiable.

♡ | Forehead kisses are also mandatory for both of them.

♡ | Rui may or may not have tried to play wingman in the beginning.

♡ | Somehow, it worked.

♡ | A couple that commits war crimes together, stays together. 💜

♡ | She went through an extremely dark period after [REDACTED], and probably ended up clinging onto Kenjaku despite knowing he wasn't really Geto because poor girl was in denial and didn't know how else to cope.

♡ | "Girl, that's not your man."

♡ |"Close enough."

♡ | Obviously this is not healthy. She is not ok and is probably being manipulated someone help her please.

♡ | Best to focus on pre-volume 0 ending because everything after that point hurts me. Moving on--

♡ | She gets extremely pouty if you call her short.

♡ | Will kick you in the shin and watch as you fall to the ground as if to say 'You were saying?"

♡ | Geto puts her on his shoulders so she can look down on people and smug levels go through the roof.

♡ | She isn't even that short. But being surrounded by trees can do that to a person.

♡ | She falls asleep in very strange positions and has woken up upside down more times than she cares to admit.

♡ | Has definitely rolled out of bed on accident and spent the next 5 minutes staring at the celling and questioning her life decisions.

♡ | She's prone to falling asleep anywhere if she's comfortable enough.

♡ | Geto found her asleep behind the couch once.

♡ | How she got there is a mystery. But he learned to stop questioning it.

♡ | At this point she just sleeps out of boredom when she isn't feeling violent. Seems to be a habit she picked up from Rui.

♡ | She's extra as all heck, at all times. Queen of dramatic entrances.

♡ | Whether that's the flashy kind or the breaking down the door kind depends on the day.

♡ | She actually has a very pleasant singing voice, although only a few people know about it.

♡ | It's not something she intentionally keeps a secret, she just hasn't gotten a chance to show off yet.

♡ | Used to sing lullabies to Mimiko and Nanako when they were younger.

♡ | Rui ended up falling asleep too. Whoops.

♡ | It's either soft or arson with her honestly.

♡ | No in between.

♡ | Need I say more?

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