Chapter 5

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Draco stared at his company file, a heavy sigh escaping his lips. The past six months had been a disaster. Living with Theo had distracted him to the point where his company barely made any profit. His focus had been completely off, and it showed in the numbers.

But everything changed this past month. After their breakup, Draco threw himself into his work with a newfound determination. He made significant progress, working tirelessly to make up for lost time. The results were promising, even if he wasn't entirely satisfied. At least it was better than the mess he had left behind.

With his mind clear and his heart free from Theo's influence, Draco found himself regretting the trust he had placed in him. Night after night, he berated himself for falling for someone so unworthy. His love life had been a series of missteps, each partner more interested in his money and fame than in him. He had foolishly believed Theo was different.

While Draco had been neglecting his business, competitors had started to dominate the market. But now, with renewed focus, he vowed to restore the Malfoy Company to its former glory. He was determined to reclaim his reputation and prove to himself that he could rise above the mistakes of his past.

Only if I had a time-turner or a time machine to make things right going to the past. I would go and put some sence in me, the day I asked that bastered out.

The blonde man took a sip of his coffee and refocused on his monitor and continued checking the files.

Knock, knock.

"Come in," Draco said, not looking up from the screen.

"Sir, Mr. Malfoy Senior is here to see you," Astoria, his assistant, announced.

Draco frowned. "Father? At this hour? That's unusual." Lucius never showed up at the manor or Draco's office without prior notice. He always sent a text or called ahead. What could this be about?

A nagging voice in Draco's mind—the part still furious at himself for neglecting his business—whispered, "He's here to remind you what an idiot you've been for letting things slide. You have been nothing but disappointed"

Draco instructed his assistant to bring his father into his office. He sat up straight, setting aside the file he had been working on.

The elder Malfoy entered the room, looking surprisingly relaxed. He greeted his father and gestured for him to take a seat.

"How are you, son?" the elder Malfoy asked. "We haven't talked in months." It was true; they rarely spoke these days. Although Draco and Lucius never had a bad relationship—Lucius was always there when Draco needed him—things had shifted after Draco turned 17. Their interactions became more business-oriented and Draco's recent neglect of the business had further limited their communication. It was his mother whom Draco was closest to.

"I'm fine, Father," Draco said. "I hope you're doing well too. But what happened? Why are you visiting unannounced?"

"I came here to talk to you about Harry," Lucius said, getting straight to the point.

"Him? Why? What did he do now?" Draco asked, frowning.

"He didn't do anything. It's me. I made a mistake," Lucius sighed. "I've been thinking, and you need to know the truth. The truth about this marriage."

"That you paid the Dursleys a huge amount of money?" Draco blurted out before he could stop himself.

"How do you know about that?" Lucius asked, astonished.

"I heard you and Mother talking," Draco confessed. "I know eavesdropping is wrong, but I couldn't stop myself. But why would you do that, Father? Why would you agree to such a deal for money?"

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