Chapter 6

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Draco woke up in an empty bed, he was half naked. He looked around and saw it was an unfamiliar room. He rubbed his face and sat up, pulling the duvet with him. He looked side ways and saw a note by the bed side table.

"Had a great night Yesterday. If you wanna do it again, call me, XXXXXXXXX


Draco shouted in rage. And slapped himself again and again. He turned the page into pieces.

"Once a cheater is always a cheater." He told himself. " You fucking- You fucking cheated on your husband again. What will you tell him? What will you tell your mother" slaps after slaps from his own hand landed on his face.

Last night he was rest less. The urge to mark Harry, fuck Harry and the anger for seeing Harry with that woman was killing him. It was making him feel like a beast. So he left the house went to a club grabbed a random stranger to fuck him. Now he was laying in a hotel room and the stranger has already left.

Draco knew he needed to do it, to remove the feeling he had after he saw Harry with that woman, from his chest. Because either way he would have hurt Harry. But he hurted Harry either way. He cheated. Again.

But I doubt he cares much... I have...

Draco could not understand what weird feeling this was, that made him act like beast. That brought out all his animalistic instincts. That made him so... Possesive... possesive of Harry.

When he saw Theo with the girl, he learnt Thoe was cheating with him all these time all he felt anger and stupid but this time he's feeling something that he couldn't recognize, this feeling was completely foreign to him. And this is why he was becoming angry.

Draco could not say he was feeling much better but still the animalistic instincts were in control. He knew he can spend the day like a normal human being. He grabbed his phone. It was only 8 am.

Five unread messages from Pansy.

Draco saw the notification on the lock screen. Pansy and Blaise both of them almost never texted him these days. So it was quite odd getting five messages from her. Though Draco could not blame his friends for that, for not talking to him anymore. It was Draco's fault. He himself has pushed away his friends.

"You fucking - Are you guys even my friend?? " Draco shouted at his friends who told him to break up with his two months boyfriend Theodore. "You can't see me happy can you??"

"We want you do be HAPPY Draco. That's why-"

"How will you fucking know about my fucking happiness?? Can't you see how much Theo makes me happy??" Draco shouted.

"But. It's all drama! He's a... he's a fucking Playboy" Blaise said in a calm voice.

"Shut up. I know why you are acting like this. You are jealous. Cause you are not happy. You have no one to love. That's why you-"

"Draco!!" Pansy shouted. " How could you say that...!!"

"Cause it's the truth"

"You know what- if you are going to be acting like a brain less Maniac, we don't wanna talk to you anymore."

" That's the most meaningful things you said all evening. Please leave. I don't wanna be friend with someone like you guys too."

And that was the end.

It was not that they did not talk, they weren't close they used to be.

Draco unlocked the phone and opened the messaging app. He read Pansy's texted saying, "Hermione is returning today. If your highness could spare us sometimes, can come meet us in the cafe near the city mall. We would be honoured."

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