taste tester | xiangling

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Xiangling is your best friend. You've known her ever since you were little. All the girl talks about were ingredients and what she should make next. You couldn't blame her. Her dad is Chef Mao, owner of Wamin Restaurant.

Xiangling had been perfecting her cooking skills since she was young, and in doing so, you helped as well. Every time something goes well, she uses the right amount of ingredients, the dish tastes divine, or when customers come back for more. It makes her smile every time.

The smile you always love. Although you obviously couldn't tell her that. It would become awkward between you two. So instead you kept it hidden. It was going pretty well, up until Xiangling had you try many dishes.

Of course, being her friend and all, you pitched in and tasted. But you actually haven't realized how much she made.

You burped for the fifth time today. Xiangling had asked you again this week to try her cooking again. It was all so sudden too. She came out of nowhere and asked if you'd try her specialty. Then it turned to a few dishes... to a few more... to every dish ever created.

You felt sick after eating so many in so little time. You decided to take a break from eating. It wasn't that her cooking was bad. It was how sudden it was.

Whenever she was cooking or had an idea, she'd jot them down or go straight to the kitchen to prepare. You sighed as you walking around Liyue Harbor. It was tiring being Xiangling's food tester but you didn't want to turn down the offer. "Y/n! There you are!" Your body shook.

You slowly turned to see Xiangling waving at you. "How have you been?" She asked nonchalantly as if she didn't just make you eat two dishes earlier after you were full.

"Is it another food item?" You asked feeling queasy. Xiangling blushed and nodded her head. You sighed again. "Give me a few days to recover from this food coma alright?"

"Wait!" She grabbed onto your arm. "Do you... not like my cooking...?"

You tilted your head, "Of course I like your cooking. But I just need to rest a bit. You've been spoiling me for a while," You giggled.

"I just... wanted to know if they were your taste..." Xiangling whispered looking away. You could swear there was a small blush on her cheeks.

"Of course I like your cooking! But it was all so sudden that it surprised me!"

"I'm sorry about that..." Xiangling apologized. "An event popped up on my calendar that I kinda rushed into it..." Xiangling looked at you. "I also... made you this..." Xiangling finally pulled her arms away from behind her back.

"A cake?" You grabbed it examining it. "Why did you...?" Your eyes widen being giggling. Xiangling eyes went wide.

"Is something wrong with it?" You shook your head.

"I have completely forgotten about my birthday!" You laughed. Xiangling laughed as well. "If you want, we can share?" Xiangling nodded bringing a knife and plates with her.

a/n: ahaha... I finally wrote, but uh yes birthday imagine because woop woop, it's my birthday lol. I am not ready to be old haha...

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