massage | scaramouche

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a/n: apparently this is another smut... who would've thought. I'm not going back to horny jail! You're not gonna make me! lol
Also might not proof read this because I literally wrote smut again;D

Childe walked into the Schneznaya fighting grounds where he saw the higher ups. "How's training?" Childe gave you a closed eye smile. You sighed, Childe finally arrived.

"Some could do a little better, and some can arrive at training on time..." You sneered at Childe. He put his hands up in defense laughing.

"I got you a little gift though!" He held up a bag with tissue paper inside hiding the gift. You called your guard over to bring it over to your room. "Why not look at it now?" Childe whined.

You looked at your clipboard. "Not now idiot... I'm working, and you should too. Who told you to go buy a gift for me? My birthdays not for another few months..." Checking back with the new trainees to see how they were doing.

Childe sighed, "You're no fun when we're working..." Childe rested his arm on your shoulder taking a peek at your clipboard. "Whatcha writing down?" You sighed, this was why you were getting headaches every day. You looked up seeing two trainees fighting aggressively.

"HEY!" You yelled separating each other. "What have I told you about this type of fighting on training grounds? You want me to kick you both out?" Grabbing the back of their collars and handing them towards the guards.

You heard clapping and footsteps walking towards you. You sighed for the millionth time today. "What?" You turned your head seeing Childe smug smile.

"It's just the way you handled them both. Wow, you really have a loud voice..." He smirked.

"Shut up already and get back to work." You walked away towards your sleeping quarters, you really needed a massage or a hot bath after Childe's nuisance. You rubbed your forehead more feeling like Childe's presence was still there. You opened your door expecting nothing since you sleep alone.

A harsh pair of lips caught you off-guard, pushing you into the door. 'Oh yeah. Scaramouche stays here sometimes' You grabbed his face kissing him just as hard. Scaramouche tapped your thighs making you lift them so you wrapped your legs around him.

"Hmm... I forgot this little harbinger was still in my room..." You teased.

"Who says anything about little? You know I'm not 'little'..." Scaramouche smirked carrying you to your bed. He got on top, straddling you. He began laying more hickeys over the ones from yesterday, slowing going down your body.

He gripped onto your thighs harshly causing you to let out a yelp. "Scara... what's gotten you riled up? You're usually nicer than this," You egged him on.

Scaramouche growled, "Stupid Childe thinks he can play with you whenever I'm not there," He bit your shoulder drawing blood. He licked it making you wince.

"Awh... little Scaramouche is jealous! How adorable!" You smiled innocently to which Scaramouche only smiled.

"Yeah jealous so what? Childe gave you a gift didn't he? Your body guard came in here," Scaramouche slowly got up from his position walking over to your desk.

"So what? He probably bought me some expensive perfume or something. Just give it to the Cicin Mages..." You sat up finally looking at Scaramouche.

He was holding a bottle labeled, 'massage oil'. "Hmm, I wonder what I should use this for?" Scaramouche walked towards you with the bottle in hand, "Let's find out..." He whispered sending shivered down your spine.

Scaramouche instructed you to strip and lay down on your bed. You went ahead and laid on your stomach. You waited as Scaramouche took off his clothing except for his boxers, sitting at your but applying oil on his hands and rubbing them on your back.

You let out a moan as you've never had a massage before ever. "Wow, I wonder how much louder you can be?" Scaramouche bit your ear. He began rubbing your shoulders making sure to not miss a spot and massaging harder to hear your moans.

Both you and Scaramouche could feel his bulge rubbing against your ass. You tried not to moan louder than before in case trainees were passing by. "Fucking bitch... Stop covering your stupid mouth you whore," Scaramouche sneered.

Your wetness became harder to maintain as you've been slowly rubbing yourself to relieve the tension. "It's just... I think it'll be better if you were fucking me while you massage me..." You blurted out.

Scaramouche smirked, "Why didn't you tell me earlier?" He quickly took off his boxer feeling his sick become free. He rubbed some oil onto your entrance as if you weren't already wet before sliding in. Scaramouche groaned feeling your walls tighten against him.

He slowly began rocking you back and forth as he massaged you, going lower and lower until his hands met your hips. He began thrusting you forgetting about the massage. His hands became too slippery and began slapping your butt leaving red hand prints.

You moaned and groaned feeling Scaramouche thrust faster into you. He grabbed a chunk of your hair pulling back to mark your neck and grab your chest, playing with your hardened nipples.

"Ahh~ Scara... fuck...~" You moaned nearing your climax.

"Don't fucking cum without me or I'm pulling out..." Scaramouche scolded, pounding into you harder reaching his high. "Alright sweetheart, come with me... ah~"

You both released feeling ecstasy. Scaramouche let go of your hair panting heavily. You heard light knocking on the door, "Did you like the gift Y/n? Perfect for sex am I right?" It was Childe's voice.

"Shut up you stupid ginger!" Scaramouche threw his shoe at the door causing Childe to laugh.

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