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Right after what happened in Rachel's room, Madison ran out of the room acting like she actually doesn't care what Zoe just said. In fact, it hurt her a lot because Madison had a little crush on Zoe. After she came back from the dead when she got killed by Kyle, Cordelia has decided to banish him from the academy for hurting one of her sisters. It was like 2 years ago and it was very hard for Zoe but she forgave Cordelia for it, in fact, she still blames Madison for it as if it was her fault. Madison ran into her and Zoe's room, jumped into her bed, and started crying. At the same time, Zoe and Rachel had a good talk and they started to become good friends. Zoe has decided to leave Rachel in her room so she can settle down. She went to her and Madison's room and totally didn't expect to see Madison crying. That was a rare thing to see Madison show her emotions. Zoe stood walled up for a moment indoor and completely didn't know what should she do in this situation.
- Madison? Is Everything okay? - Zoe asked as if she didn't know why is Madison crying.
Madison got scared because she didn't hear Zoe coming into the room. She quickly wiped away her tears and turned around.
- What? I was just sleeping, leave me alone.
- I'm just here to take something from my wardrobe.
- Then do it fast and leave, I want to sleep alone.
- Madison look, I didn't mean to hurt you.
- Who said I got hurt?
- I see that you got hurt. You can't hide emotions sometimes. Listen I just meant that you shouldn't be mean to everyone you just met, and yes I shouldn't have said that I won't go anywhere especially with you. That was mean too.
- Do you really think that you wouldn't go anywhere with me?
- Madison.. I just didn't-
Madison interrupted Zoe's words by kissing her lightly on the lips.
- Madison! What are you doing? Listen, I'm not ready yet I just lost Kyle. I need to go.

While Madison was kissing Zoe, Rachel accidentally saw them because she was walking to see Cordelia.

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