The next day after Misty made some weird mud compresses on Madison, she didn't feel better. It was even worse but Madison tried to not blame Misty for it just because Zoe would get mad at her.

- Any words from Cordelia? - Zoe asked Misty.

- Nothing. She doesn't answer her phone. I'm getting a little worried, it's been 15 hours - Misty said.

- So do I, but she told us to not worry and that she will be fine, I'm worried anyway - said Zoe.

Suddenly Madison woke up.

Zoe walked over to Madison.

- I think we will have to take your temperature Madison.

- Are you kidding me? Movie stars don't get their temperature taken - Madison sighed.

Zoe ignored Madison and took her temperature.

- Wow. It's very high, it's like very bad i guess.

Madison felt terrible. She vomited again and was very tired.

- What the fuck did this bitch give me to my meal! I swear if I see her again she will regret-

- She will - Cordelia interrupted Madison's words.

- Delia! - Misty sighed and rushed into Cordelia's arms - I thought something happened to you.

Madison looked secretly at Misty and Cordelia hugging together and became terribly jealous that she had never hugged with Zoe before. Cordelia smiled at Misty.

- I think I'm fading - Cordelia said.

- What? What do you mean by that? You don't mean-

- I do. I think the new supreme rises. It's either one of you or... - Cordelia didn't finish the sentence.

- Certainly not my dear! - Myrtle appeared out of nowhere - You are not even the supreme for a long time my darling, why would you think you are fading so fast?

- Cordelia I... I- Madison tried to utter a word, but she couldn't do that anymore.

- Madison? Is everything alright?

Madison stopped breathing loudly and there was silence for a moment. She closed her eyes.

- Madison? Madison! - Zoe ran quickly to Madison - Do you hear me? Madison wake up!

- What is happening? Madison! Madison! Do you hear me? - Cordelia asked loudly - Misty check her pulse! - Cordelia yelled.

Misty put her finger on Madison's neck and couldn't hear her heartbeat.

- Misty? What is happening? Tell us something! - Zoe yelled at her.

- She's... she is dead.

- No. No no no no no that's not true. Stand back.

Zoe ran to Madison and checked her pulse. Misty was right. Zoe didn't know what to do for a moment.

- Cordelia do something! What happened to everyone, why are you not doing anything!
Zoe started crying and didn't even hide it anymore. Cordelia and other girls have decided to leave Zoe alone with Madison. Zoe was crying at Madison's body for a while.

- I never thought this would happen, but I have to tell you something even tho you don't even hear me anymore. I think, I think I love you Madison. Trust me, we will see again and I'll tell you this in person.
Zoe kissed her on the cheek.

Cordelia has decided to try to bring Madison back to life just like she did it to Zoe one time. She knew she was fading but she'd do anything for her sisters.

The next day Cordelia, Misty, Zoe, Myrtle, Queenie, Coco, and Mallory met in a basement thing and they put Madison's body on the table.
- Are you sure Delia my dear? - Myrtle asked.
- I'm sure.

Cordelia began uttering some unknown spells. Then she took a deep breath of air and exhaled deeply towards Madison's body. There was a moment of silence. For a while, nothing happened but at one point Madison jumped up with a scream and a loud breath.

- Well that sucked ass.

After Madison came back from the death, Cordelia was very exhausted and she passed out. Myrtle asked Queenie to help her with Cordelia and make her tea.
Zoe automatically hugged Madison and said:

- You have no idea how much I've missed you even for one day.
- Well that is something new. Since when Zoe Benson would miss me, did I miss something?

Zoe giggled and hugged Madison again.
- Glad you're back.

Madison was very tired so Zoe helped her to take a shower. Madison got dressed in her pajamas and jumped into her bed. Zoe came into the room and smiled.
- Can I sit here?
- Sure.
- Madison I think I really need to tell you something I've been hiding for a while.
- Go on.
- So basically... I think that I... fuck. I love you. That's it. That's what I wanted to tell you Madison.
Madison was shocked for a moment and Zoe felt embarrassed.
- Wow. That's not what I expected. You know I always had a crush on you, Zoe, right? So I think my answer is that I love you too Zoe.
Zoe smiled and looked at Madison's lips.
She came a little closer.
- Can I?
- Is that even a question?
That was the moment that Madison and Zoe kissed each other and knew they were in love. There was still one problem. Rachel. She was so jealous of Zoe that she made a move to kill one of her sisters. Zoe was wondering what will happen now. Is Cordelia gonna do something about it? Now she had no time for these thoughts. It was just her and Madison now and nothing else mattered.

Zadison - short storyWhere stories live. Discover now