Madison woke up in her bed lying next to Zoe. She couldn't stop smiling when she was thinking that she kissed Zoe. What now? Are they gonna be girlfriends? Are they gonna hide it or just be friends like in the past. Madison knew what she wanted, be with Zoe in a good, loving relationship, but she didn't know what Zoe wants. Her thoughts were interrupted by knocking on the door. That woke Zoe up.

- What's that? - Zoe asked.
- Hold on.

Madison got up from her bed and walked to the door and opened it.

- Madison, Zoe, I'd like you to meet us downstairs in the living room in 10 minutes. We need to talk about something.

- Fine. Zoe, are you coming?
- Yeah sure give me a moment.
Cordelia closed the door and went downstairs.
- Myrtle, are you sure that Madison has to do what she did to Fiona again?
- Oh my dear Cordelia... I think there is no other way to stop Rachel at one place and catch her.

Madison and Zoe walked downstairs and saw everyone sitting at the table.

- What is going on?
- Sit down girls.
- So me and Myrtle we're discussing the

Rachel situation. We all know that she actually killed Madison, one of our sisters. We all know what the consequence is.

- Burning at the stake.... - Coco sighed.
- That's right. Cordelia go on with our plan.
- I think that Rachel is the new rising supreme. I've discovered that I'm fading, I'm getting more weak day by day. So we need to burn Rachel at the stake as fast as we can. We need your help Madison. Since Rachel was very jealous of you, you will need to talk to her. As we know, Rachel is hiding in a weird hotel actually not that far away from us which is surprising. Madison I need you to kinda scare Rachel, just like you did to Fiona after she killed you. I think you know well what to say.

Madison smiled and confirmed it by nodding her head.

- But how will it look? I just go to her room, scare her that I'm alive again and I'm actually the new supreme? Then what? She can hurt me again, she is the new rising supreme.
- Don't worry, we will be near the room and that's how you stop her in the hotel, we catch her and burn her at the stake.

- Well.. okay I can do this. When?
- Today afternoon. We don't have much time Madison. I hope you understand.
Madison looked at Zoe and smiled.
- Madison, I'm worried. What if she actually will do something to you?
- Don't worry baby-

Madison stopped in the middle of the sentence. She forgot that everyone is around and she still didn't tell them that she loves Zoe. Everyone stayed quiet.

- Girl, you're gay? - Queenie was shocked.
- I- well...
- Madison Montgomery has a girlfriend? Wow, that's something new. Why didn't you tell us that? -
- I didn't even discuss it with Zoe if we're girlfriends so.. but yes I am. I do like girls. I always did and I always liked Zoe more than just a friend.
- That's amazing Madison and Zoe! Congrats on coming out! We all obviously support you no matter what. Right girls?

Everyone agreed.

- Thanks - Zoe said quietly, she was a little shy.
- So I gotta dress in something amazing since I have to intimidate my killer.

Everyone giggled. Madison got up.

- Come on Zoe you have to help me get dressed.
- Of course baby! - she smiled and looked at Queenie. Queenie smiled back and whispered:
- I'm happy for you.

30 minutes later after Madison and Zoe took a shower, got dressed, they went downstairs to eat a breakfast. Obviously, everyone was very excited about Madison's and Zoe's coming out.

- Madison, would you like to go on shopping with me today? Before you get to the hotel obviously.
- Yeah sure. When are we going out?
- I think in like 25 minutes?
- Okay! I'll buy myself a sexy dress so this bitch can be more jealous than before that you can look at me dressed like that.
     After Madison and Zoe came back from the shopping, they needed to get ready for their plan. Madison, Cordelia, Zoe, and Queenie arrived at the hotel.

- Okay so our plan is simple, Madison you go to her room and scare her a little just like you did it to Fiona. I, Zoe and Queenie are gonna be near in case she wants to do something. Come on Madison I'll show you the room.

They were walking through a lot of halls, they were golden. Madison thought this hotel looks kinda rich. Zoe and Queenie were walking a bit behind them.

- This is the room. Are you ready Madison?
- I think so,

Madison quietly entered the room. She Heard the voices of water. Rachel was taking a shower. Madison Sit on the bed and decided to Wait for her. Rachel left the shower, got dressed, and left the bathroom. When she left the bathroom and saw Madison on the bed, she got motionless. She didn't know what to say.

- Madison?
- Surprise Bitch! I bet you thought you'd seen the last of me.
- How- how is it possible?
- Are you deaf? I'm the next supreme! I brought myself back.
- Does anyone know that.. I-
- That you killed me? Everyone knows. So, that's our plan, you have two options, you kill yourself or we burn you at the stake. Which one?

Rachel quickly ran out of the room. Madison yelled to Cordelia that Rachel ran away.
- I can handle it. I wanna help Madison - Zoe said.
She teleported to a few places at the hotel and around to find Rachel, but she wasn't there. She tried to teleport one time again and that's when she teleported in front of Rachel running.
- Surprised?
Cordelia, Queenie, and Madison were already there so they catched Rachel.

After what happened in the hotel, the girls dressed in black for a special occasion. They walked to a chosen place and that's what happened. They burned Rachel at the stake. Madison was holding Zoe's hands.
- It's fine. Now that she is gone, we can be together without anyone that tries to ruin our relationship.

     They kissed in front of Rachel burning

So that's the end of the short story, it was my very first one ever on wattpad and I know it's now very good but I really hope you enjoyed it and It would be very nice if you vote down below and maybe Share it so I can he motivated to Write another AHS themed stories.

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