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In the evening, the girls were all sitting in the dining room waiting for supper.

Misty was laughing with Cordelia, Coco and Mallory were talking and Queenie was watching TV. Then there was Madison, her eyes were red because of crying again after Zoe left her in the room. No one noticed it because no one cared about Madison so she was sitting alone at the table with crossed arms.

Rachel has decided to help with cooking only to "accidentally" start a conversation with Madison while the girls weren't eating at the table.

- Madison? Hey, can I sit here?
- Obviously not.
Rachel sits next to Madison anyway.
- Listen, what do you all want from me today?
- I have to tell you something, so. I think I just saw you and Zoe kissing.

Madison's blood just froze in her veins. She took Rachel's hand and squished it as hard as she could.

- If you try to tell anyone, we won't have a nice conversation. We good? Especially because I don't think Zoe would like everyone to know that we kissed after she lost Kyle, and I think you like Zoe as much as I do, so don't even try.

Rachel tried to free her hand from Madison's oppression but Madison was stronger. Eventually, Madison left her hand.
- There is a meal for you - Rachel said.
Madison just rolled her eyes, took the meal, and went to her room.

While she was walking through the stairs she turned around and saw Zoe laughing and playing board games with other girls including Rachel. Zoe realized Madison was looking at her and for a moment they made eye contact. Madison quickly turned around and went to her room. Zoe noticed that and she excused Queenie, Misty, Rachel, and Cordelia for a moment. She went to her room to see if Everything is alright with Madison. She looked so upset and was eating as she didn't eat for a week.

- Hi Madison.
- I swear to Satan himself what the fuck do you want from me now? First Rachel now you. Do you even know that Rachel saw us when I tried to kiss you, you left me Here and I cried? No.
- Rachel knows? Shit. I'll try to talk to her so she won't tell anyone.
- Don't worry. I already took care of that.
- Madison I swear what did you do now?
- We just had a conversation and I politely asked her to not tell anyone. Something wrong?
- Am I supposed to believe you? Please Madison - did you threaten her?
- I only said that next time we won't have a nice conversation. This isn't a threat.

Madison kept eating because Rachel's meal tasted good. Unexpectedly Madison started vomiting, Zoe quickly walked to her.

- Madison? What is going on?
- I just.. my head kinda hurts i guess. Fuck I don't know, I don't feel good.
She vomited again.
- Hold on a minute I'll go for Cordelia.
Cordelia and Zoe quickly got to Madison's room.
- Madison? Are you okay? What is going on?
- What the fuck does it look like? I just vomited or something.
- Zoe? What Happened Here? - Cordelia asked.
- We were just talking, Madison was eating her meal, and then she started vomiting. She said her head hurts and she doesn't feel good.
- Hold on? She was eating something? Madison was it something from our kitchen?
- Um yes I guess I ate something that Rachel made.
- Wait. Are you telling me that you ate something that Rachel made? Rachel do you have something to say?

Cordelia turned around but Rachel was not there anymore.
- Fuck! Zoe, can you look after Madison when I'm gone? - Cordelia asked.
- Yeah sure I think I can.

                            - 2 hours later -

- She doesn't feel any better, I've tried literally everything. I don't know what to do anymore. She still vomits, and her head is hot as the sun.
- Well.. I'm not gonna make the disease go away, but I can try to ease the pain, even tho this bitch killed me - Misty rolled her eyes.
Zoe giggled
- Yeah that would be very nice of you. Maybe she will start to like you at least a little.

Misty tried to do some weird poultices and spells with mud to alleviate the symptoms of Madison's illness.

- Bitch are you serious? I'm not letting you do some weird-ass mud shit on my body, I'll be dirty. Go to your swamps and take a bath in crocodile shit yourself.
- MADISON! She is just trying to help, so shut your fucking mouth and let Misty do what she wants to do to help - Zoe was very irritated.

Madison was in shock because Zoe had never raised her voice like that on her.
- Fine - Madison agreed only because Zoe wanted to do this. From now on Madison was doing everything that Zoe wanted to be done to get closer to her. 

Zadison - short storyWhere stories live. Discover now