⚜ Chapter One ⚜

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The light snowfall was not something Tanjirou took for granted. It was a lingering remnant of the past that brought back memories that only brought pain to his heart. The iron that clung to the air was heavy and brought nausea in bouts, threatening his stomach to flip at the mere thought of that gruesome scene. It had happened nearly a year ago, but there was never an end to those haunting nightmares. He was furious at first, but time mended some of the pain, though not all. The pillars and most who knew the truth believed he was vengeful, wishing the death of Muzan himself. Truthfully, that was false. He'd encountered the Demon a total of three times, all of which were merely accidents. The encounter offered proof on his healing heart. Though not much was said, he couldn't find the heart to attempt the strike on the other. Something about his eyes were different, lonely of sorts. It shook the core of Tanjirou. He was a gentle soul, seeking to aid even Demons, no matter the past history. Muzan was no different from the others, though harder to approach. Even so, he'd always known where his heart led. If it desired to aid even his closest enemy, then he would gladly follow. He alone believed everyone deserved a second chance to correct the wrong doing, to be forgiven.

Nezuko had stayed beside her brother, watching intently as he trailed off into his own mind. She had been with him since the beginning, aware of most things around her. She'd seen him fight for her even after she'd attempted to attack her brother directly after the transition. His devotion to his family was admirable to most. Without Tanjirou, she wouldn't have been able to still roam. After all, Tanjirou was the main reason she kept her head. 

Glancing around the courtyard, the dim lighting brought a serene air to the space. Each snowflake nearly shimmered under the touch of the darkness, floating to the ground below. Winter was coming soon, bringing with it weather that was highly unpredictable. Snow for the Kamado's was nothing to worry about though, after all, they thrived in it. Their home was welcomed to winters, so cold weather and heavy snowfall was a blessing, as well as a curse. Nezuko knew better than most that each flake was a reminder of what was lost. Their family and their home. The one place they felt safest. 

Regaining focus on her brother, Nezuko leaned into him. His expression was highly stressed, leaving her intentions good at heart. She hated seeing her brother so distraught. It made her worry endlessly, not that she ever had the words to say it. Luckily, she never had to. Even with the muzzle, her brother always understood her. No words were shared, but he knew what she desired from her heart. Growing up together had a huge part in it truthfully.

"You don't need to worry, I promise. I am just thinking about things, that's all." Nezuko starred toward her brother before nodding, focusing her gaze elsewhere. She knew something was wrong, but if Tanjirou did not desire to speak the truth, she'd not push it. He would tell her in time, that much she knew. Rocking slightly on the bench, she found herself growing tired. Her eyelids felt heavy as she leaned more into Tanjirou, who gave her his usual warming smile. His soft, yet scabbed hands rubbed her head gently, lulling her further into slumber. She's always enjoyed his gentle actions. Giving a satisfied hum, she welcomed the darkness as sleep took over. Tanjirou watched for a while, just enjoying the silence around them. He loved the lack of noise, a soothing remedy for his troubled heart.

For nearly an hour he remained in that spot, eventually rising from the bench and carefully lifting his sister. She'd shrunk in size, making it much easier. Slipping the box around his shoulder, he made his way back into the estate before heading toward his assigned room. Upon opening the door, he entered before tucking his sister in, a genuine smile kissing his features. She was at peace, leaving him to appreciate what they had in that moment. Even if there was a momentary peace, it was highly welcomed and often sought for. Pulling the covers over her, he placed the box down before hearing a slight knock along the wooden frame. The sliding doors shifted, his gaze falling on a taller pillar. That golden hair was brightly illuminated in the dim lighting, those golden orbs meeting his. 

Taste of Eternity - 🖤Muzan✖Tanjirou🖤Where stories live. Discover now