day four

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The volleyball team was exhausted. They had been training hard, but the training wasn't too bad, the tension between Ukai and Takeda was. It tire everyone out to see the two adults acting like a child, avoiding each other where they clearly need to be one in order for the team to achieve victory. Or whatever, trophy? Nationals?

Plus, their peppy ghost had been gone since yesterday...

"Hello, everyone! Did you miss me? Or did I miss out some tea? Fill me in, sis."

Well, the ghost problem had been solved.

The team looked over to the voice, there stood (name) on a bench, like when he introduced himself, on his hand was some kind of a cookie and on his other hand was a glass of milk.

As the players and managers kept (name) company, Ukai glanced at Takeda. "He came back," He merely said and walked away to leave the gym. The teacher gritted his teeth, staring at (name).

See, Takeda and Ukai had talked in the morning. After the day where Ukai told (name) that they knew each other. Maybe talk wasn't the right term, they were... arguing.

Takeda was confused as to why this ghost still lingered around, he had read in some articles about ghosts and curious spirits. Once they got their closure, they would disappear. His breath hitched as golden eyes met his brown ones. He felt exposed, felt like (name) knew what was on his mind: that (name) was a bother to the team — no, to Ukai.

The pale lips of (name) curved into a small smile, and that very smile killed Takeda on the inside. How could he think like that? He knew how (name) really felt, the ghost told him!

(name) wanted to go, away from Karasuno.

Far, far away.

Takeda was about to go away, to follow Ukai and make up with the coach. They had to be on good terms for the team's sake anyway. Not farther than two steps taken, he was stopped by (name).

"Hey, teach!"

Takeda, nervous as ever, nodded his head as an acknowledgment to the greeting. "You know, I've been thinking with my ghostly brain. I don't think knowing how I died would make me dissapear. I wanted to do something."

"Something as in..?" Takeda asked, seeing the male in front of him shifted his weight from side to side. With how (name) was acting, he could actually forget that (name) was actually a ghost.

"Falling in love."

Takeda stared at (name) who was nervously fiddling with the end of his black gakuran, a faint blush covering his cheeks as his eyes darted everywhere but to Takeda's direction.


(name) was definitely acting like a middle schoolers in love and Takeda wasn't sure of what to feel about that. Disgusted? Or should he squeal in response, maybe glad that (name) had finally found a goal?

Maybe a mixture of everything.

The lack of response put (name) on edge. "Not to coach Ukai or you or the principal! I won't cause any troubles, I swear!" He blurted out, the blush now reaching the tip of his ears.

Should Takeda allow this?

If he said no, would (name) stuck in here forever?

"As long as you don't cause any troubles for the team."

(name) smiled brightly and shook Takeda's hand, nodding his head aggressively. "I promise not to!"

Takeda felt like it would cause troubles.

"(name)! (name)! You're a setter, right? Can you toss to me?" Hinata screeched from across the room, the white haired male turned around and nodded his head. He waved goodbye to the teacher before dashing off to give Hinata a toss.

Followed by another toss. And another. And— okay, well, (name) ended up giving dozens of toss to Hinata. For Hinata, they were all perfect.

(name) is a perfect setter for Hinata.


(name) stood on the roof of the tallest building in Karasuno, the breeze would feel cool — maybe even cold — against his skin, but he felt nothing. He couldn't feel it, but his hair did sway with the wind.

"I was going back for something important," (name) muttered, looking at the night view. He had the best view for sure, unfortunately, he had the view for himself. He couldn't share it with anyone.

"We did something stupid together," (name) continued, pushing his bangs up while looking down to the gym from where he stood then jumped off the building.

Ever wonder if a lost soul — (name) despised being called a ghost — could survive a fall from a very tall building?

(name) hated heights before, gave him a few years, then he started to love jumping from the tallest building in school. So to answer the previous question, yes, a lost soul could survive the fall.

It was creepy at night, but (name) got used to it. He shoved his hands into his pockets, humming to himself while patrolling around the school. Poor soul had nothing better to do other than being a security guard.

Tonight, though, there was this sudden urge to go visit the club rooms. The volleyball team's club room, or changing room. He got in easily, looking around at the posters, the lockers, then walked out. Nope. This wasn't what he was looking for.

(name) walked down the stairs, passing by other clubs' room. One room in particular caught his interest, even if the walls and doors were all the same. He walked in that room anyway, finding it to be the basketball team's changing room — judging from the posters.

A poster in the corner was hanging loose, giving a peek of what's behind it. (name) walked over to it and peeled it off completely — hoping the basketball team wouldn't mind — only to reveal a picture.

The picture was printed and glued to the wall, some paint was covered on the edge of the picture and (name) could tell it was an old picture.

It was a picture of a team, and there was Ukai. Next to him was none other than (name). Being teammates and good friends were true, apparently.

Ah, so this room was the old club room.

Poor basketball team probably didn't have the heart to rip the picture and just cover it with another poster.

"Something important..."

(name) started searching, even if the lockers were probably new and the important thing he went back for was already thrown out, he still had hopes. Locker after locker was opened, revealing nothing serious that caught his attention.

Last locker on the corner.

(name)'s last chance.

Sitting down in front of the locker, (name) inhaled deeply. He wanted to prepare himself for everything. Be it something or nothing in there, he had to be prepared.

Finally opening the locker, he saw a dust covered bag sitting in the corner. He reached out to take the bag out and opened it.

An envelope, a dead rose, and a chocolate.

(name) examined the envelope and Ukai Keishin was written on the white paper. He slowly and carefully opened the envelope, taking out a letter and a picture of a younger Ukai and himself.

Upon opening the letter, (name) felt his memories come back and he closed it quickly, his breath quickened — he was practically panting. After a long while sitting there with the letter in hand, (name) took everything and shoved it into the bag. He walked out with them, not after fixing the poster.

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