Chapter 2

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"Hey, I asked if you're ok?" I am definitely not ok.

I got up quickly and picked up my phone from the floor, as I got up he did the same and he was so tall he was completely towering over me, "Um yeah I am ok, I should have been watching where I was going," my face was hot, I'm pretty sure I was blushing.

"Yeah you gotta watch where you're going," he gave me a nervous smile.

I tried to swallow this big ball in my throat but it just wouldn't go down, "Um are you the new Math Teacher for Mrs. Ren?" I asked nervously.

"Yeah, I am, " he put his hands on his hip and puffed out his chest proudly. This man was so hot it was driving me crazy, and the fact he was right in front of me, towering over me. Oh my God, I'm so horny, I could feel my dick pulsating inside of my pants.

"Is it ok if I sit in the classroom before class starts?" I asked trying to stop my voice from quivering.

"Yeah sure, " he stepped out of the doorway for me and gestured for me to walk in. I smiled at him and he smiled in return. He had such a beautiful smile, it was warm and inviting, he was a total sex bomb but he also appeared to be happy. I walked into the classroom and he followed right behind me. I sat down at my desk, it was at the very front of the class, I chose the front because if I sat at the back I probably wouldn't learn anything. I didn't choose the middle because I didn't want to stare at someone's head all period, the front was the best option. He sat down in his chair, it was right in front of me so it was kinda hard to not stare at him the entire time. "So what's your name?" I was a little taken aback by the question I didn't think he would want to talk with me.

"My name is Alejandro Robles, " I responded giving him a small smile.

Before I could ask what his name was he asked me "Are you Latin?"

"Yeah, both of my parents are from Mexico but I was born here."

"What parts of Mexico?"

"My mom's from Esperanza and my dad is from Chihuahua."

He laughed, "Chihuahua? Like the dog?"

I laughed also, "yeah like the dog."

"You know I'm actually scared of Chihuahua's they may look small and cute but they can be so vicious," he chuckled. I'm small and I can be cute and vicious if you want me to. I chuckled with him.

"What's your name?" I asked folding my hands on my desk, my hands were hot and I could feel them becoming slick with sweat. He smirked and slowly got up from his desk, he turned around to face the whiteboard. He had a big muscular butt, I was trying not to stare so I kept my eyes on the whiteboard. He picked up a black dry erase marker which squeaked on the board and in neat handwriting, he wrote "Mr. Black, " in big letters. He set down the marker and turned around to face me.

"Mr. Black, " I read out loud.

"But you can call me Mr. B," he winked. My body grew hotter and I could feel my heartbeat in my dick.

I swallowed the ball in my throat and placed my hands on my lap trying to hide the growing erection in my pants "ok I think I'll stick to Mr. Black though."

"Whatever you want Alejandro, " he smiled sitting back down at his desk.

"So um where are you from?"

"I was born here in California, my dad was a businessman and he met my mom in Germany on a business trip, it was a classic love story he went to a restaurant where she worked and it was like love at first sight. They both came back to the states got married and had me and my siblings." his cheeks were tinted with a soft red glow.

"Sounds beautiful, how many siblings do you have?" I shuffled in my seat.

"I'm the oldest, and then I have a younger brother and a younger sister. Do you have any siblings?"

"No I'm the only child," I fidgeted in my seat.

"You don't get lonely sometimes?" Mr. Black looked down at his black watch and moved in his chair, beginning to shuffle papers on his desk.

"Yeah I do sometimes, but for the most part I don't mind being alone." I don't know why but his shuffling papers made me nervous. I took out my phone from my jean pocket and checked the time. 8:27 the numbers appeared. Mr. Black stood up with a pile of papers and walked over to open a grey filing cabinet which was shorter than he was. I looked at the wall where a clock was ticking trying not to look at Mr. Black's ass again, I took a few glimpses and it looked like a caramel apple with his brown dress pants on.

"That's too bad I thought we were enjoying each other's company, " Mr. Black said in a disappointing tone. He turned around and had a faint frown on his face. My brain was stumbling trying to process what he said and before I could think of something to say, he said "I'm just kidding, I know that's not what you meant." I chuckled nervously still confised and put my hand on my chest, I could feel my heart going a million miles per hour. I took in a deep breath. "Also you better start heading to class the bell is going to ring in a minute." Mr. Black told me as he turned on the computer on his desk.

"This is my first class, actually, " I looked at him, he sat down in his chair and began to click the mouse for the computer.

He looked at me a bit surprised and smiled, "really? Well isn't that lucky, I guess I should mark you present for attendance." He clicked and dragged the mouse on his desk while staring at the screen. "Is today your birthday?" he asked.

"Yeah, I turned 18." He looked at me, smiled, and slowly got up from his chair. He walked in front of his desk, in front of me and cautiously leaned on it. He looked deep into my eyes and I into his. I could see him studying my face so I began to do the same. my face felt hot and I could feel my forehead beginning to perspire with sweat. He leaned in closer just inches from my face.

"Happy Birthday, Alejandro." He spoke in a deeply serious and slow voice. It was making me crazy. "I hope you have a great day, and I'm glad I'm going to be your teacher for the rest of the year, " he smirked and I could see his perfect white teeth.

"Th-Thank you, " I stuttered, my face was warm, my heart was racing, my entire body was hot and sweaty. he gave me one last smile got up and stood in front of the class. The bell rang and students began to flood into the classroom and take their seats left and right. I was starring at the door waiting for my friend to walk in. She was the second to last one inside the door before the second bell rang.

She sat down in the seat next to me "hey, how are you?" she asked me with a small smile on her face. She placed her red backpack on the back of her chair.

"I'm good but also not good, " I responded vaguely.

"Really why is everything ok?" she looked at me a bit concerned. I was about to talk but before I could respond I was cut off.

"Everyone takes your seats, my name is Mr. Black, do not call me Mr. B, and I will be your teacher for the rest of this school year." He had a serious expression on his face which scared me but at the same time turned me on. "Ok everyone go to the back and get one of the Hard Math books and take it back to your seat and open it up to page 269."

Tania looked at me with a surprised expression, "oh my God" she mouthed.

"I know right?" I responded also mouthing. Everyone slowly began to get up from their seats and headed to the back, I was panicking because I had a raging boner in my pants and I was afraid someone was gonna see it.

Tania was about to get up, "hey can I ask you a favor?" I asked in a bit of a pleading voice.

"You want me to get you a book?" she asked standing.

"Yes please."

"Actually I have an extra one right here, " I turned and Mr. Black had his arm stretched out offering me one of the Math Books. His Bicep was flexing as he held the book out.

"Thank you, " I said as I took the book from his arm, my arm faltering due to my lack of strength and the book being heavier then I thought.

He chuckled as he saw my struggle, "no problem, " his smile back on his face. I looked at Tania and she had a surprised expression on her face, she turned and headed to the back to get her book. How the hell am I gonna be able to survive math for the rest of the year?

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⏰ Last updated: May 03, 2021 ⏰

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