Trust Us.

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Declan looked over to the northern tower, and a feeling of warmth came over him as he looked at the huntress. 
"What d'ya think they're talking about?" 

"Hell if I know. Probably how many of us they can get away with letting die and still get paid." The dark-haired man spat out a black, thick liquid onto the castle pavement, making Declan snap to attention. 

"Oh come now Pelio! You don't think that Lady Myra would sacrifice us like that? It's her job to protect us!" His voice shook and cracked. While he was trying to assert himself, his youth betrayed him, the sweat on his brow and his sunken posture showed his innate search for comfort from his longtime friend.

"Declan, stop thinking with your heart, and start thinking with your head, for Deva's sake! Just because some fresh girly hunter has decided to come in, and personally help with setting up a trap, means nothing to whether or not she cares about us. And Don't look at me like that! She's a passerby at best, who's helping us because we paid her. You want more comfort than that, head down to the brothel before it's too late." He chewed, then spat the liquid again, with the shimmer of torchlight, it looked to be as blood on the stone when a tall man in very basic steel plate armor approached them. 

"How goes it, men? Are you boys ready for glory and steel?" His deep voice was near a shout, as otherwise nothing but a mumble would have been heard through the knight's helm. 

"It goes well Ser Ludo, and we are as inclined as can be. May the Deva's bless you and your valiant assault." Pelio bowed.

With a boisterous laugh, Ser Ludo patted the young men on their shoulders. His steel glove felt massive and heavy. 

"My lord, may I inquire of you for a moment? Please, recline with us." 

"I shall take from the hurried tone that something troubles you, young Declan?" He asked as he removed his helm and held it within the crook of his arm, Declan noted the massive scar which dug out a small channel in the bald man's cheek. 

"Yes. My lord, you are a wise man, versed in the world? You have traveled both the Empire and to the lands of the Republic, and seen many great and terrible things correct?" 

"Aye yes. Many great and terrible. What of it?" 

"In your experience.." He paused and stumbled. "..d-do beast hunters like these allow those under their protection cease their tenure under the eye of the lord?"

During a moment of consideration, the old knight seemed to peer deeply into the soul of the young retainer. The stare he had contained eyes like that of a deep-sea predator, deep, dark, and focused, when he came back in a blink, he rubbed his brow and sighed. "I tell you this in truth, young lad. Hunters, as these kinds are, are a toss of a coin. I've seen hunters slay mighty drakes, great apes, and even a lesser wyvern...but these?" He gestured to the blonde-haired commander and lady Myra. "I don't know if they have what it takes to feel a true dragon if one is to show up that is. They're too green, the boys seem too focused on their way."

"What do you think of the girl?" Pelio broke in.

After a moment of thought,  a smirk came across Ludo's face. "The young lady is a kind soul indeed, and a mystery even to my eyes." He paused. "Focus too hard on them and you'll die for sure young Declan. I swear it before the Lord God and all his Devas. Keep your mind on your job, wait for the signal, and trust in your commander. Do Ya understand lad?" 

Could his words have been true? Wondered Declan. He dug deep into himself and nodded his head to the knight's words, stealing a glance over at lady Myra. "Yes, Ser Ludo. I do. Thank you for your wisdom." 

The knight nodded. "Now my attentions are needed elsewhere with the spearmen. May you both be blessed."

"See? Keep her trap shut and focus on the task at hand. We have a dragon to slay if it even shows up." Pelio leaned against one of the many barrels.

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