Regret is a deep pain that torments the mind.
Regret runs deep like a river canyon.
Regret is painful, like a canyon river with jagged rocks in it.
A deep and relentless pain that slowly eats away at the mind.
A person can act fine but be tormented by regret.
Regret can come for many sources.
Sources like the feeling when you lose a friend who has been suffering and you didn't know that they were suffering.
Regret can get to almost everyone, what happens when the regret reaches them is different.
Some get swept away by the river of regret.
Some get caught on the jagged rocks that slowly dig into them making them lash out.
Some try desperately to swim from it, but drown in it once they get tired.
Some lose the will to get off the jagged rock and allow it to slowly kill them.
Some manage to get to the shore but are no longer the same.
Some find a way to deny it and just ending up stuck on a rock in the river.
Only a few manage to get through with only minor injuries.
Those few that escape had something to hold onto that they never wanted to lose.
Regret is painful, the constant questions
"what could I have done to prevent this?"
"Is it my fault?"
"Was there anything I could have said?"
"Am I the reason they did this?"
The questions plauge the mind until they grow to be too much,
The mind breaks making the people feel as if they are nothing but a problem.
Regret is a painful, and deep river.
- Nova
PoetryNova is my online name, and this is just some poetry that I made. I can't guarantee it will be as good as other people's work. Also all the art used belongs to me.