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Ministry Of Light Magic

Namjoon, Yoongi, Taehyung, Jungkook, & Jin left ASAA to visit the ministry. Upon their arrival they were greeted Swan 백조. Swan was the head of the Ministry of Light. "어서오세요 입력하기 전에 변경 사항을 활용하십시오." (Welcome. Please take advantage of changing before entering.)

Sure enough there were white ensembles perfectly waiting for them. Swan briefly left them to change.

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Once changed they were let in by Swan

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Once changed they were let in by Swan. "We'll be starting you in a high position." Namjoon questioned her. He had many more questions & took on the role of a leader. "What exactly will you expect us do ?" Swan showed them to a dorm room which was connected to a huge office. "We plan on reforming the Ministry. You sorcerers like yourselves would know how best to handle it."

Jungkook coughed. "I'm on probation. You aren't worried I could slip into dark magic again ?" Swan looked at him with a small smile, "우리는 그것에 대한 예방책을 준비했습니다. 당신은 우리가 당신을 위험하지 않다고 생각할 때까지 당신의 능력을 제한하는 마법의 차단 약을 복용하게 될 것입니다." (We prepared precautions for that. You'll take a magic blocking medication that will restrict your ability until we deem you aren't a high risk.)

Yoongi looked around. "So why reform the ministry at all ?" It was a valid question. Why make changes to something they have been living by for centuries as magical practitioners. "It is about time. Many things are outdated now within the ministry. We must change accordingly with time."

It at least looked like the ministry wanted to reflect newer values representative of young sorcerers & sorceresses. Swan offered some food to them. "Why five meaningless sorcerers to take on such a high stake project ?", Jin asked.

Swan sat them down. "You showed even those under temptation can choose a more fulfilling life. Why not five meaningful sorcerers ?" Jungkook asked something no one would've guessed, "호석형과 지민형은 어떻게 되나요?" (What happens to Hoseok hyung and Jimin hyung ?)

Swan' eye twitched in agitation. "우리는 그런 문제에 대해 이야기하지 않습니다. 그것들은 다크 매직 부처의 문제입니다." (We don't speak of such matters. They are the Ministry Of Dark Magic' issue.) It was clear both ministries had a rocky relationship.

"But shouldn't you care ?" Yoongi was a bit uncomfortable with Swan' answer. Swan smoothed out her white suit. "We can't afford putting our energies on magical practitioners who clearly won't see reason. That isn't our job."

Swan has a point. Her priorities had nothing to do with the Ministry Of Dark Magic. "Welcome to the Ministry Of Light Magic," that was the last thing Swan before leaving them to settle in.

The boys settled in. Yoongi leaned on the wall. His leaning triggering a button that opened a screen. A direct monitoring of all students coming or going from Arcadia: School Of Arcane Arts. It only really showed Platform 5 5/3 & the quad of the school.

Namjoon pushed a different button. A secret door opened. "한번 볼까요?" (Should we check it out ?) Taehyung asked contemplating going through the door. Yoongi walked straight through without hesitation. The others not far behind him.

Daisy awaited them. "New ministers, right ? Welcome." Taehyung & Namjoon recognized her immediately. "You're Daisy. The first sorceress of the Early Age," they said at the same time. Daisy smiled motioning them to take a seat. "무슨 일로 오셨습니까?" (What brings you by ?)

"It kind of was an accident. We didn't mean to disturb you," Jin said awkwardly shifted his weight from his left to his right foot. Daisy smiled waving a dismissing hand. "I'm not disturbed. I understand that you may not know this is one end of the spectrum that holds the spiritual realm."

Yoongi sighed. "You aren't involved at all ? Do you know they are trusting us to reform the ministry ?" Daisy answered truthfully. "I am aware they want to reform & I am all for it. I chose to stay out of it since I shouldn't be involved. I am nothing but a girl name Alyssa Choi who died by burning with a guy she didn't know at all."

Well, that was it.

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