2. Mr. Jeon~

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Iz me again lemme just put a few warnings. 

-boss x employee




-long ass chapter. 

taehyung hated his boss which was of course jeon jungkook. the male was short and pretty but a fucking pain in the ass. always yelling when one little thing isn't done his way. a cold attitude to everyone, he also gives wayyy too much work. 

"for fucks sake why isn't the papers done already?!" ah! speak of the devil.

jungkook walked in with his face showing prominent anger. taehyung rolled his eyes. truth be told. he always wanted to break him. show him who not to yell at because if it's one thing taehyung doesn't put up with is the battiness. 

"s-sir ill have it to you in a few minutes." jimin stuttered bowing his head making taehyung mad.

jimin was his best friend and soulmate. "it better be. kim!" taehyung looked up with a raised eyebrow. he seriously couldn't take the youngers shit today.

"yes?" "come to my office and loose the attitude." taehyung dragged his tongue on his inner cheek because he was quite literally ready to teach jungkook a lesson. the younger never failed to arouse him.

taehyung got up and stopped by jimin. "its ok chim, don't stress." he whispered rubbing the olders back because he knows hoy much he hates when people yell at him.

jimin nodded sending a  small smile before  getting back to his work. taehyung walked to the youngers office with his sleeves rolled up, revealing the veiny tanned arms. some girls and boys giggled sending him waves and flirty glances.

he smiled flawlessly making them squeal and blush. he was well known in the office for being to goddamn hot. god really got his favorites huh?

taehyung knocked hearing a faint 'come in.' he opened the door with a blank face at his boss. "you wanted me?" "yes, i need these papers done by the end of the day." taehyung looked at him with wide and annoyed eyes.

"but i already got 2 sets for the day." jungkook looked at him with a glare. "i don't fucking care now do i?" taehyung clenched his fist, his veins popping out. this bitch..

"yes sir." he gritted out taking the papers before heading out making sure to close the door a little harsher just for spite. 

he sighed plopping in his chair. "did he give you more work oppa?" a girl suddenly asked leaning on taehyung's desk squeezing her boobs together with her arms. 

taehyung mentally rolled his eyes. "yeah." "i can help if you want." taehyung cringed at her attempt to be shy. "no thanks sumni i'm ok." she pouted sitting on his desk raising her skirt a little so her thighs would show.

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