The Interveiw

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I sit on my makeshift bed in the heat of the cell, rocking back and fourth.Its been three days since I have spoken or seen anyone. Three long days of starting at the walls and bed. Three long days in the boiling heat.The only human contact I get is when a avox comes to give me meals.

But boredom quickly turns into anger, though I know I must try not to let my anger show, because that is exactly what snow wants, and I will not give him the satisfaction of me going insane.

The door knob turns and someone one of Snow's people comes in "President Snow has requested to meet a with you." He says.

"Is that jut a nice way of telling me that he is demanding to see me?" He doesn't answer.''Okay. I'll see him."

"Follow me please." He says. I quickly stand and his had immediately goes to his waist. His hand reveals a tazor. He Tells me that if I run away I will face serious consequences. I just nod.

He take me through many doors and hallways and elivators. Until we are no longer underground and reach his meeting room door. My escort knock and snow says to come in, and dismiss my escort.

"Ms.Everdeen." he says.

"President snow."

"So let's to straight into things. I have arranged for you to be interviewed by a dear friend of mine."

"Caesar Flickerman." I wisper.

"Yes, Caesar, after this you are going to go to be prepped and dressed. Then answer questions from Caesar."

"Okay." Seems simple enough.

"But "he hisses," you will answer in a manor that supports my side of this rebellion. If you do so, I have something arannged for you. Is that clear?"

"Yes... But what if I don't want to." I ask.

"Well let's make a deal, Ms.Everdeen, You do this for me, and after this you will have a choice. Okay?" The way he says choice portays everything that is completely wrong.

"Yes, sir."

"Evangeline." He calls out. A tall light skinned woman, with black hair and pale blue eyes. "Please take Ms.Everdeen to prep."

She nods and motions for me to come. So I rise and follow.When I get there I am greeted by a woman with gray pale skin and green hair. This just proves to me just how insane people in the capitol are. She also has two assistances. I am scrubed till my skin is pink and have been put in three different type of baths. My make up only consists of lip gloss. I feel like I am back with my old prep team, but I know its not the same.


Later, I am taken into another conference room, but this one is more formal. Caesar greets me. He has  tells me to relax and take a deep breath. His hair ocean blue. The camera man counts backwards from one and gives ceasar the que, then the interview begins.                       

Peeta POV

I have been called to command from the dinning hall, again. Probably another plead for me to be a voice again. When I walk in I see the Plutarch, President Coin, Finnick, Effie, and Gale.

Gale walks up to me. We haven't talked to each other since I've been allowed back into the population and given a  daily schedule. I have a feeling he still doesn't like me.

"What's going on?" I ask him.

"Its Katniss, she's on TV, she has an interview with Caesar."

We both rush to the screen to watch what is happening. I look at her and it surprises me. She looks fine, in fact she appears to be glowing to me, like a baby pink. No new scars or any signs of abuse. Thank god.

I come in at the middle of the interview."So can you please tell me what exactly happened on the very controversial night, start from before you leave Peeta at the tree.''

''I was trying to find a way to stay with him... But I didn't want to jeopardize the alliance, but that's when I- I lost him. Then I was knocked out by Johanna then the force felid blew out and I was knocked out again." She says.

"Yes but you blew it out. Why?"

The real answer would be to escape that hell hole. To prove a statement to the capitol.

"I was instructed to, by... The rebels."

Everyone one in the room is shocked by what she has said. Even Caesar seems a bit shocked by her answer. We all know it's not true, Katniss and I had no idea about the master plan going on behind our backs.

"The rebels?" He says with a hint of doubt.


"Is there something you want to say about the rebels?"

"Yes." She turns and looks straight at the camera."The rebels have gotten me to do some bad things in the past, but you need to know that if we continue in with this... Nothing will be the same.''

"What are you saying Ms.Everdeen?"

"I'm saying that there needs to be a cease fire.''

Ceasar thanks Katniss for meeting with him, then turns to the audience and says goodnight.

Katniss POV

As soon as Caesar says goodnight, Snow steps into the room.

"That was excellent, Ms.Everdeen."

"believed you promised me something." I snap.

He ignores my attitude,"Yes. I will have you sleep in a better room tonight as a reward ."

"Why are you doing this?''

"Would you rather have your current room?"

"NO! " I quickly say. He calls out for an avox to take me to my new room. One again through halls and doors. But I start crying the moment I see my room. It looks just like the one I stayed in when I came to the my first games. The wall even changes from people walking on the streets to the woods. Back when everything made sense.

I would rather sleep in the colorless room, but now there is no changing my mind.

Since I have already been scrubbed down, I lay in bed, Tears still falling. Because this is another night without Peeta's arms around me... Another night that I am alone.

Peeta POV

After that I slip away from the noise of everyone talking at once. I take off the jumpsuit people in D13 are required to wear. And lay in bed. So know I squeeze my my eyes shut and try to reach for her across the hundreds and hundreds of miles to send my thoughts into her mind, to let her know that she is not alone. But I open my eyes because it is useless. She is alone, and I can't help her, from here.

Well its a long chapterLol. All characters and quotes from the book belong to Suzanne Collins. No plagiarism intended.

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