Chap 24 - Freedom

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I jumped up from the bed and put on my clothes as fast as I could after hearing Eyana's voice. Christian looked at me perplexed with my behaviour.

"What's wrong?" He asked sitting up on his elbows. I buttoned my pants and threw on my top.

"Work came up. I gotta go." With that, I bolted out of the room and ran out of the club to the forest and shifted to my wolf.

The ground underneath my paws thudded as I dashed past the trees dodging each one of them. The cool air brushed my fur. My heart was beating like a drum as I saw the border of the Sole Pack. Hopefully, Eyana had managed the attack well and there wasn't much damage done.

I entered the pack with steady steps seeing four dead bodies laying on the floor. The smell of rogues entered my nostrils. Only one stood alive surrounded by Eyana and the other patrol men in their wolf form. Sensing my presence, the patrol man moved away to reveal a brown coloured wolf.

Everyone bowed their heads in submission. The wolf stood trembling in the middle.

Clothes. I mindlinked Eyana and she went behind a tree.

A few moments later, she returned in her human form with a large tshirt in her hand. I grabbed the tshirt in my mouth and went behind a tree. I imagined my human form and felt my bones crack to form my human body. I put on the tshirt and decided to grace the rogue with my presence again. Everyone had shifted back to their human forms including the rogue. He had dirty blonde hair with black eyes and a lean figure of 5'8.

"Well, how nice to see you." I smirked seeing fear fill his eyes. He shifted uncomfortably under my gaze.

"May I know the reason for your visit?" He bowed his head and smirks graced everyone's faces knowing what the upcoming events would consist of.

"I'm sorry, Alpha. I didn't know this was your pack. Forgive me." His words held fear and nothing else. First for his life and I liked that.

I loved it.

"Okay." I nodded my head understanding his situation. Everyone thought this was still Brandon's pack. How foolish they were.

"What?" He looked up with the spark of hope vivid in his eyes. I stepped aside providing way for him to go.

"You are free to go." Confusion marked his face as he heard my words. I felt myself internally smirk seeing him down on his knees. His eyes shifted to the patrol men whose faces held nothing but anger.

"Don't worry about them. I wouldn't let them put a scratch on you." I assured him.

"Why would you do that?"

"You are not as dumb as you look." I laughed hearing his question.

"You need to be alive to spread the word you know."

"What word?"

"Spread the word that I am the Alpha of this pack now and nobody messes up with me." Hatred was evident in my voice and he visibly gulped hearing my words.

"Now, off you go before I change my decision." I shooed him dismissively and with staggering legs he stood up looking carefully at everyone. He took baby steps analyzing his surroundings waiting for our attack but everyone remained in their position. Not even a leaf moved as he staggered to the borderline where the patrol men stood blocking his way. I motioned for them to let him go and they moved away providing him free access to his freedom.

He limped away cause he had injured his leg probably broke one of the bones. I turned to Eyana who stood alert along with the others.

"Any damage?" I questioned curiously and she shook her head.

"No damage was done. We caught them at the right time." I nodded my head hearing her explanation.

"Alpha, he is leaving." Patrick informed and I smirked seeing the rogue still limping away far from us.

"Is he? I guess not." Sarcasm filled my voice as I shifted into my wolf ripping apart the tshirt and dashed off after him. I howled running closer to him.

He turned around with wide eyes and attempted to run away as fast as he could with an injured leg. But he failed miserably as I ran and jumped on him. My jaw latched onto the back of his neck crushing it into pieces as I tasted blood in my mouth along with flesh. Within seconds, his body fell limp as I continued to put pressure using my jaw. I let go and watched as his neck became half detached from his body with blood oozing out like a river. Satisfied, I walked away with confident steps and entered the pack. The spectacle must have been amazing to see as smirks covered everyone's face. I walked to the pack house and to my room using the stairs.

I shifted and went to the bathroom to take a shower. I cleaned and dried myself and put on a T-shirt with my undergarments skipping the bra. I sighed in relief as my head hit the soft pillow after I turned off the lights. Suddenly, Xason's face flashed through my mind and I couldn't help but think what he was doing now. I had to be honest, I was looking forward to hearing from him when I called him. Sighing, I pulled the covers on me and dozed off to sleep.


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