Chap 29 - Purpose

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I would occasionally sneak glances at me and so did he. Could I resist? Obviously not, he was a hunk. Truth be told, my attraction for him was clouding my mind but I was determined not to forget of the things he could be related to. The ambiance was rather quiet but not awkward as he whizzed past cars, keeping a grip on the steering wheel with his right hand and his left hand was on the gear. His side profile was too good to be true. I bit my lip seeing his ones part slowly.

"What are you looking at?" He questioned with his deep voice and I shot him a lazy smile.

"Just my King." I flirted as he looked at me with dark hooded eyes before shifting them to the road. Somehow, hearing the word king affected him as I have noticed. The reason was unknown but whatever it was I was going to use it as an advantage. All this flirting and acting mushy better get me somewhere.

I looked out of the window to see the restaurant not so far away. Red neon lights flashing 'The Red Window' bright in the dark night. As far as I knew, it was known to be quite exquisite and the typical place where rich boyfriends take their girlfriends to in movies. A hamburger with fries would work just right for me. Unfortunately, I had a King to impress and not a stomach to fill to my heart's delight.

He stopped right at the entrance of the restaurant. A valet standing close to the entrance gate immediately came forward as he noticed the car. Xason opened his door and got out. I watched as he rounded the front of the car and came to open my door. I was about to get up when his hand graced my line of vision. My eyes shifted to his which were empty as always and back at his extended hand. I put my hand on his as he helped me out closing the door behind me. Jolts of electricity shot up my body making me feel cold in the chilled night.

"Thank you." I smiled at him as he stood beside me holding my right hand. He was rather mum and just nodded his head. Among our exchange, the valet slipped into the front seat of the car and took it out to park.

We walked hand in hand into the restaurant where the manager opened the door for us. It was more of a restaurant where werewolves came rather than humans so everyone very well knew who their guests were.

"Welcome to the Red Window." The manager, Keith as suggested by his badge bowed his head. The place was posh with red carpet on the floor and expensive ancient paintings hanging on the walls and tables for all. Chandeliers were lighting up the area and the place was buzzing. The sound of the clinking of the cutleries, laughs and incoherent chattering could be heard as waiters rushed with trays in their hands.

"Let me take you to your designated place." He requested and I nodded my head. His eyes sneaking a look at our locked hands. He masked his emotions well. Nobody would be able to tell he knew what my plans were for tonight. He led us to the out door dining space which I had made a reservation for. Xason's presence made me feel things as he walked beside me. Sure, the mate bond contributed to these feelings but it was somewhat different. Different in a good sense but I didn't know what they actually were.

I got rid of my thoughts as we reached balcony type place but more larger in size. Two waiters were waiting by the sliding door and opened it as soon as they saw us and bowed their heads.

"I hope you have a lovely time." The manager exclaimed with tight lips as we entered and the door was closed behind us. The buzz died down and it was rather silent.

A table for two sat in the middle with white silk tablecloth on the table and an illuminated candle. Petals of red roses laid on the ground in a haphazard manner with tea lights lining the railing of the space and lighting up the area. It was quite impressive better than I could ever do.

I advanced towards the table gently tugging at his hands. He followed suit and pulled the chair for me.

"Thank you." I sat down and he went to his respective seat. He effortlessly unbuttoned his suit as he made a move to sit.

Our eyes met and I stared at him. He was beautiful. The light from the candle caused his clear skin to glow and his eyes which are mostly cold appeared soft. Unconsciously, I felt the sides of my lips lift.

"You can stop staring now." He sassed as I smiled hearing his words which were full of amusement.

"I probably should. Wouldn't want you to think I'm some creep." I cheekily replied and he tried to mask his amusement and smile.

"Thank you so much for your reassurance. I was starting to feel rather terrified."

"You are welcome. I hope you are liking it all till now."

"A date night with the notorious Alpha Athena. What more could I ask for?" He ran his hands through his hair as he spoke and I felt myself smirk.

A knock was heard and a waiter walked in past the sliding door with two menus in his hand and a champagne bottle.

"Good evening, I hope you are having a good time. Would you like to order?" He enquired offering a gentle smile.

"Yes, we would like to order." I stated and he placed the menus infront of us. I thanked him followed by Xason. He filled our glasses as we scanned through the menu. I was hungry and wanted to stuff everything down my throat but instead I settled with the classic steak, mashed potatoes and gravy. Xason ordered the same and I added some fries to the order.

"Thank you." I returned my menu after telling the order which he gladly took and left us both in silence. I focused my attention on Xason as i leaned forward supporting myself using my elbows which rested on the table.

"So, how's life been treating you?" I questioned as his eyes stared through my soul.

"Rough. You?"

"Good, now that I have you with me." I flirted shamelessly and watched as his right eyebrow cocked up.

"Fooling around, aren't we?" He smirked with mischief in his eyes.

"With you!?" I exaggerated and he nodded his head.

"I would never."

"Sure, you won't." Silence filled the space as he said these words. But it didn't last long as he broke it sooner than I thought.

"What's the purpose behind this?" His eyes went hard as he asked the much awaited question.

"Behind what?" I acted oblivious and confused even though I knew that he knew I was well aware of what he was asking.

"Behind this date." He put emphasis on the word date and I shrugged my shoulders.

"I just thought we could handle this amicably rather than fighting all the time." I answered carefully in order for this date to continue. I couldn't risk him leaving now.

"Handle what?"

"The fact that we are mates."

His expression changed from unbothered to surprised at once. Bet he wasn't expecting me to say such a thing. Even my worst enemy wouldn't. But I was helpless, I had to get on his good books no matter what.

"Correct me, if I am wrong since when have you been so keen to act upon being mates?" He jested as one would expect. I shrugged my shoulders nonchalantly to ease the situation.

"Just thought it would be rather pleasant to get to know you than fighting all the time." Surely, my answer did no justice to his question and he seemed unfazed by it. The awkward silence was cut off by the slight creaking sound of the door as the waiter entered with our food. Thanks for being so fast.

He bowed his head before serving us our respective dishes. The smell was too good to ignore. I murmured a subtle thank you and he left us in peace.

"Let's start." I suggested as we both dug in. The silence was awkward and loud. Only the clinking of utensils filled the area. I wasn't up for a chat as I rather anticipated something greater now. I subtly eyed him as he softly chewed down his food. The purpose of this date would be fulfilled in a while now. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 27 ⏰

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