Chap 26 - Date

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We peacefully walked out of the dungeon hand in hand. I was too perplexed to say anything and the sparks shooting through my entire being did not help either. The pack members were in shock seeing us together but they masked it and did not utter a word.

Why would someone want to start a war? That too against Xason.

"This is it then." I broke out of my trance hearing his voice. His shiny mercedes was parked in front of us. I realized that we were now outside of the pack house to bid him goodbye.

"Yeah, this is it." I spoke offering a tight smile. His eyes shined like diamonds in the sun. However, they were intense as if they were searching for answers. Reluctantly, I let go of his warm hand. He made a move towards his car and unlocked the door. Just then a thought crossed my mind.

"Xason!" I shouted hurriedly to stop him from leaving. His eyes snapped to mine as he stopped midway of getting inside the car.

"Yes." I opened my mouth to apologize for calling him by his name but noticed no tint of anger on his face. Instead of apologizing, I spoke what I wanted to.

"Thank your for your help today. I owe you for this." I exclaimed as my heart continued to race.

"You are welcome." He replied and made a move to leave but my words stopped him.

"Would you go on a date with me tomorrow?" My hands were sweaty as I asked the question. I was a wreck.

Is this how high schoolers feel when they asked people out on a date?

"What?" His eyebrows frowned in confusion. He probably thinks he heard me wrong.

"I was asking if you would like to go out with me. Just a formal dinner as gratitude for the help that you provided today." My stomach churned as I spoke the words. The worst thing that could happen was he would end up rejecting me. His face shone bright in the sunlight. The corner of his lips tilted a bit. It was almost went unnoticed.

"Sure. I will pick you up at 7 tomorrow." He confirmed and for some reason it felt like a burden was lifted off of me. I nodded my head and he finally got inside the car. I crossed my arms over my chest as I watched him start the car and leave within seconds without looking back.

Office, now!

I mindlinked Hayden and Eyana as I jogged up to my office with a thousand thoughts in my mind. They immediately responded and were present after a few moment.

I leaned back on the chair as the two sat infront of me. I released a breath before starting.

"The war is going to start." Both offered perplexed looks waiting for me to continue.

"The rogue that we caught said that a war is to start against Xason. They will attack our pack considering I am his mate and they want to hurt me in order to get to him." Hayden stared hardly at the desk while Eyana watched me speak with furrowed eyebrows.

"Who is starting the war?" Eyana asked curiously.

"Don't know."

"How do you know if the rogue is telling the truth or not?" Hayden looked up asking this question.

"Xason manipulated him into saying the truth."

"What do we do?" Eyana questioned looking at me and Hayden back and forth.

"Increase the security. No more staying out of the house for pack members after 11 pm. Increase the training hours for every group. I don't want any harm coming to the pack. At no cost. Same goes for the Sole pack." I clarified watching them nod their heads in acknowledgement.

"I have a date with the king tomorrow." Both their eyes widened in shock hearing my words.

"Date!?" They exclaimed simultaneously making me wince at the sound.


"Finally. Who took the initiative?" Eyana asked all excited to hear the details but still maintaining her posture.

"I did."

"Why?" Questioned Hayden.

"To make him spill the truth. I will ask Silvia to prepare the potion and use it tomorrow to make him spill the truth. We can't delay not knowing the truth. What if Martin is associated with all this?" I explained the situation and they nodded their head. Eyana's excitement all died down hearing this and Hayden was composed as usual.

"Do the things i told you to." With that, they left closing the door behind them.


I mindlinked her to tell her to make the potion cause it would require time and I wanted it tomorrow. It was almost 7 pm now.


Make the potion that I told you about.


Yes. I need it tomorrow.

On it.

She cut off the link and I sighed feeling the weight on my shoulders.


Hey! An update after a long time. What do you think? Any ideas of what's going to happen next? Hopefully the next update will be coming soon. Also, thank you for 1k followers! It means the world to me. Thank you for your support and love💞

Vote and comment. Ignore the typos.


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