Chap 19 - Stitches

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Till now, there was no information about that man. I had absolutely no idea why he looked so familiar to me. I was furiously tapping away an email in my laptop when a knock broke the peaceful silence of the room.

"Come in." The door creaked open to reveal the maid. I still didn't know her name though.

"Alpha, Dr Susan asked for your presence." She bowed her head and I nodded my head. I closed my laptop and followed her to where Dr Susan was. I didn't know my way around here yet. The mansion was too big.

"What's your name?" I asked her as she timidly walked beside me.


We reached a room where Dr Susan was already waiting for us. Claire politely left after the doctor thanked her. I stood at the edge of the bed waiting for her to speak.

"Alpha Athena, I wanted to inform you about taking off your stitches. Since, your wound has healed it would be wise to take them off. I am free today so I thought why don't we do it now but only if you are comfortable with doing it today otherwise we can do it another day." She rambled a bit at the end and smiled nervously.

"Yeah, we can do it today." I answered her and she nodded her head starting all the preparations needed to get these ugly stitches off.

Within fifteen minutes, everything was ready and I was laying on the bed as she slowly with steady hands took off the stitches. It wasn't painful but it stung when she tugged at the strings to cut them. She was done pretty quick and cleaned the area with some disinfectant.

"Take these medicines at night for two days. They will help with the soreness. Also, rest well and don't stress. Take in lots of fluid and food to help regain your strength." She advised and I pulled my tshirt down, nodding my head. She handed me two pills with a glass of water and I quickly swallowed them. My waist was a mixture of different colours - purple, yellow, maroon and the list goes on.

"Thank you."

"You are welcome." I took the medicines from her and walked back to my room. Somehow, time passed away and it was almost 8 now. The slight sting that I felt whenever I walked before was not there anymore. Just the soreness was present and a bit of fatigue.

I closed the door behind me placing the medicines on the side table. Turning the laptop on, I finished the email that I was typing before and quickly sent it to the designated person. Thousands of emails were piled up that needed my attention and I tend to them cause there was no other option. Being an Alpha is quite stressful.

Hayden had texted me saying there was a rogue attack on the other pack. They thought that Brandon was leading that pack and that they could easily manage to get away with stealing food and harming the pack members but they were wrong. The matter was dealt with and no harm was done just as I had expected but it did manage to get on my nerves somehow.

I yawned feeling the meds kick in. With dropping eyes, I quickly read through another email listing the progress of the Luna Rossa pack and what matters needed my attention. I closed my laptop and placed it on the side table. I switched off the lights and quickly got under the covers. Sleep hit me like a truck and I was out within seconds.

I shifted and sighed at the softness of the covers. Something was wrong. I could feel it but my eyes were far too heavy to open on their own. The familiar scent of smoke and aftershave wafted into my nostrils. It calmed my nerves and I snuggled into the covers. His presence was something that couldn't be ignored. He was here.

Wait, why is he here?

I stripped open my eyes feeling them stung due to sleep. A shadow could be seen as moonlight from the window streamed in. The white curtains flying around as the wind blowed past them. I rubbed my eyes to get rid of the sleep. My body alert of its surroundings. Steely grey eyes stared back at me. At least they were not golden. My nerves calmed down a bit seeing it was not his wolf.

How did he manage to get out of the dungeon?

"What are you doing here?" My voice came out hoarse as he stood still a couple feet away from the side of the bed.

Without a word, he walked away. The sound of footsteps resonated through the room. It was quiet outside. A click was heard and I was blinded by the brightness of the lights. I groaned in annoyance as my eyes continued to sting. I sat upright leaning against the headboard waiting for him to explain himself. He stood beside the door watching me. He was dressed in a pair of black tshirt and sweatpants. From the looks of it, he had showered as his hair glistened in the light proving that they were wet and his face was fresh. Even at two in the morning he managed to look absolutely flawless and edible.

"Freshen up." He motioned towards the bathroom by moving his head in that direction. His voice deep and husky as if he hadn't spoken for a long time. His arms crossed over his chest. The muscles prominent as the sleeves clung to his skin. Veins running down the length of his arm. Stripping my eyes away from his arm, I looked into his beautiful eyes.

"And why is that?" I questioned, narrowing my eyes.

"Because i said so." He remarked and I scoffed at his answer. I blankly stared at him waiting for him to explain. I was not in the mood to argue with him. I was far too tired and sleepy. After ages of having a stare down, he released a breath and answered.

"You need to eat so freshen up." I noticed a tray sitting on top of the coffee table infront of the arm chair.

"I already ate and I'm sleepy so let me just sleep." I lied and waited for him to leave.

"Just eat a bit then sleep. You can't be skipping meals." He spoke politely which surprised me as I was expecting him to blow up. I layed down and pulled the covers over me. Ready to sleep again.

The room was pin drop silent. I was playing with fire. Fire that could burn me down. I wouldn't lie I was scared that he would hurt me again but I didn't care. What's the worst case scenario? He would end up killing his mate.

"Can you please get up? I don't wanna fight with you." He released a breath. His voice sounding defeated and tired. I looked at him to see his fatigued face. The faster I get done with it, the faster I will be able to sleep. Pulling the covers away, I padded towards the bathroom and quickly brushed my teeth. My face looking full from all the sleep.

I exited the bathroom to see him sitting on the arm chair with two bowls of Mac cheese set out on the table. I thumped down on the bed and he passed me a bowl. I took it and started eating the delicious Mac and cheese. I noticed him looking at me as I ate. He was feasting on his own bowl of Mac and cheese all the while staring at me. His intense eyes staring through my soul. His eyes were the only thing I liked about him.

You sure about that? Raima retorted.


I broke eye contact and focused on the food. The more I'll think of him, the more I'll end up getting mad. However, I did not know the reason as to why he was here. It couldn't be because I was skipping meals so he brought me food. Since when did the king become so merciful? I mentally scoffed at the thought and took my last bite.

"Do you want more?" He asked as I placed the bowl on the tray. I shook my head feeling heavy with sleep. I drank some water and pulled the covers on me. Not a single word was uttered. No thank you. No good night. The sound of cutlery filled my ears. I sighed as the lights were turned off and the door closed behind him. Soon, I fell asleep but one question was left unanswered.

Why was he here?


Hope you liked this chapter. Let me know what you think. How is the story going so far? Is it too slow or too fast?

Vote and comment. Stay safe everyone.


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