Chapter Fifty-Eight

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Chapter Fifty-Eight - Hidden Talents


Walking beside Jasper, Theo and I were playfully bickering with each other stopping when we hear Bella talking with Jasper beside us.

"-are you sure there's nothing I could do to help?" She asked, fiddling with her fingers as she looked at him.

"Well your presence alone- your scent, will distract the newborns," Jasper replied, "their hunting instinct will take over and..."

"Drive them absolutely batshit crazy," Theo finished, crossing his arms as he looked towards the girl.

Bella sighed and nodded her head, "good."

All three of us smiled as we turned back, starting to walk forwards when Bella stopped us.

"Hey... how do you know so much about this?"

Jasper paused briefly before lifting up his shirt sleeves, showing Bella his scars, and beginning to tell her about his upbringing. The two lost in Jasper's story, and not even noticing Alice, who was quietly walked over towards us and stopped next to Jasper.

"-until I met Alice... now she seen me coming, of course." Jasper chuckled, his eyes watering slightly as he relived his past.

"You kept me waiting long enough," Alice teased, sending Jasper a small smile, the two gazing fondly at one another.

Jasper chuckled, looking down at the ground before meeting her gaze once more. "My apologies ma'am."

"I don't know what I've become without her," he muttered.

Alice shushed him, gently shaking her head, "you never have to be that again."

Her words held an unspoken promise, which, like always, made Jasper smile. The two leaned in for a passionate kiss, the sight of which immediately caused Bella to blush and look away.

"Alright, alright! Enough PDA, my eyes can only take so much!" Theo teases, playfully pulling them apart. "I mean look at poor Isabella!"

We all let out a chuckle as Bella looks back over at us, the blush evident on her cheeks. Jasper apologizes and dips his head towards us in a silent goodbye before quickly dragging Alice away from us.

"What about you?" Bella asks, turning her attention towards Theo and I. "Where did you two learn to fight like that?"

We both share a glance and chuckle before looking back at Bella.

"Two different stories, for two different people," I say simply. Beside me, Theo stepped up, gently squeezing my hand as he glanced over at me.

"I had... I was lucky that I had a good friend to take me under their wing. Not many newborns have that..." he muses, rocking back and forth on his heels as he looks up at the sky, smiling softly as he reminisces on his past. "I was turned in the early 1800s by some man who just wanted... well... I don't know what he wanted really. I guess I never will either-"

"Why not?" Bella asked, leaning forwards with interest.

"Let's just say that as a newborn, I didn't have the best temper..." Theo sends Bella a dark look before sighing and looking back up at the sky, watching as the trees swayed slightly in the wind.

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