Chapter Eighty-Four

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Chapter Eighty-Five - Bella


As Edward's voice gradually got louder, we all shared a smile, some of the smiles that were shared were far more nervous than others. A general feeling of excitement settled onto everyone, all eager to meet the newest and final member of the family.

"Jacob," I call out softly, making him turn to look at me, confused as to why I would be talking to him. "Go. See her."

He paused before slowly walking out of the house, all of us watching until we heard the door close. Looking around we all stood up and waited by the staircase for them. Rose contently held Renesmee in her arms, quietly talking to the baby about what all the excitement was about.


The sound of footsteps on the stairs made us all slowly turn, smiling as we saw the girl walk in. Her eyes were a bright crimson red, as she scanned over all of our faces.

"Welcome to the family," Esme said softly, giving the girl a warm smile. Bella smiled at her, shifting her gaze to Alice, who was the next closest to her.

She gave the girl a small smile. "You look amazing, Bella" she complimented. From beside her, Jasper gave her a small nod of the head, following her with a watchful eye.

"Someone's been waiting to meet you," Carlisle said, smiling at the girl. He stepped to the side as Bella's gaze went to the back of Rose's head.

"Rose," Edward called out gently.

As she slowly turned around, Rose gave Bella a warm smile, but her gaze was completely transfixed on the baby girl that was resting in Rose's arms. Jacob stood behind them both protectively, watching Bella carefully. Rose carefully handed her over to Bella, making sure that she had a solid hold on her before letting go and stepping back, looking at the mother-daughter duo with complete adoration.

Bella looked down at her daughter in wonder, a small smile appearing on her face as she listened to Renesmee gurgling. Renesmee lifted up her tiny hand and rested it on Bella's cheek, pulling it away a few seconds later.

Afterward, Bella's eyes widened slightly but never left her daughter, as if she thought she would disappear if she looked away for even a second. "W-what was that?" She asked.

"She showed you the first memory she has of you," Edward explained. Looking down contently at his wife and daughter. His little family.

"Showed me? How?" Bella asked in wonder, her eyes scanning her daughter's face carefully, taking in all of the details that it held.

Edward chuckled and smiled as he confided to look that them both. "How do I hear thoughts? How does Genevieve control minds? Or Alice see the future? She's gifted."

Bella took the information in, still looking at Renesmee. "I've only been out for two days?" She asked, noticing how big she was. Her eyes looked up for the first time, looking at Edward and then Carlisle.

"Her growth rate is...unprecedented," Carlisle said carefully.

After a few more minutes of talking, Jacob anxiously looked between Bella and Renesmee. "All right, that's enough experimenting for one day," he said, reaching out to take Renesmee from Bella.

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