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𝐌𝐨𝐯𝐢𝐞: 𝐓𝐰𝐢𝐥𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭
𝐏𝐚𝐫𝐭: 𝐎𝐧𝐞
𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐓𝐰𝐞𝐥𝐯𝐞: 𝐀𝐧𝐱𝐢𝐨𝐮𝐬 𝐇𝐚𝐛𝐢𝐭𝐬

𝐌𝐨𝐯𝐢𝐞: 𝐓𝐰𝐢𝐥𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭𝐏𝐚𝐫𝐭: 𝐎𝐧𝐞𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐓𝐰𝐞𝐥𝐯𝐞: 𝐀𝐧𝐱𝐢𝐨𝐮𝐬 𝐇𝐚𝐛𝐢𝐭𝐬

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In the next few weeks, Edward had gone into full fledge full stalker mode on Bella. Leaving during the night to watch her sleep and coming back in the early morning to go to school, where he would stare at the girl feverishly.

Rosalie began to fix up the cars, spending all night in the garage updating her already perfect collection of cars. As well as taking shopping trips with Alice, both of them expanding their already huge wardrobes.

Emmett and Jasper spent their time hunting the big game in the forest and playing video games. Emmett's boisterous laughter and cheers echoed throughout the house, which, even if it was only for a moment, let us feel like everything was okay. Jasper mainly stayed silent, his barks of laughter only coming once in a blue moon, mainly when Emmett made a fatal mistake, allowing Jasper to claim a quick and relatively easy win.

Esme worked on decorating the house and made sure that we all got our homework done and turned in on time. Which usually ended up in her shutting off the video game console in the middle of Emmett and Jasper's gaming sessions and forcing them to do their school work. She always seemed to busy herself with her architectural plans, swatches of fabric, and photos of possible furniture carefully laid out on the large dining room table. A sketchbook not far from her reach, filled with her sketches of the perfect house.

Carlisle had gotten called into work more often and tended to spend his days at the hospital or with Esme. Offering her any advice that he could on her plans, adding sticky notes to her countless binders with helpful suggestions and tips. Many of which were promptly thrown to the side by Esme when he wasn't looking. He had also been working on buying a few investment properties for Esme, knowing how much she enjoyed the renovation process. Together, he worked with Alice to find the best house, the pixie-haired seer quickly shot down many of the options, citing them as not being 'the one'.

Alice wasn't worried about the new events, having already seen them happen in advance, and continued to go about her days normally. Constantly going on regular shopping trips as well as making a strange trip to the grocery store, explaining that we should be prepared in case someone comes over to eat, which made sense to us seeing as how Edward was with Bella.

I banished myself to my room, finding peace from the whole stressful Bella situation in the multitude of paint tubes that I had. Painting as soon as I got home until the moment that I had to leave in the morning. I had also begun to take my love for drawing to a more serious level, often asking for Esme's guidance, which she was more than willing to provide.

Theo, deciding to keep me company, stayed with me in our shared room, continuing to further his plant research. Surrounding himself with lists and spreadsheets of all the different potential plants that we may buy for the house, and their various needs before showing them to Esme, who happily helped to pick the new plants.

Over the next few days, they slowly began to appear around the house. One on top of the piano, a few in the kitchen, some in Carlisle's office, one in each of the bathrooms, some bigger ones in the living area, and a few smaller ones in everyone's rooms.

Theo happily spent hours watering and caring for the multitude of plants that had found a home in our home. His obvious love for gardening and all things plant-related, became more and more apparent as the days went on, eagerly dragging me across the house to look at his latest sprouting plant.

"Looks good Theo," I said to him, both of us staring at the tiny green sprout that had pushed its way through the soil. Theo just nodded his head dreamily as he looked at the plant with adoration. I watched with an adoring smile as Theo continued to stare at the tiny sprout, which quickly flourished and grew in size. Its leaves quivered slightly as they grew at an alarmingly quick rate.


After a couple of days, things start to go back to normal, as normal as they can be with everyone in the house on edge about Edward's creepy infatuation with Bella.

Rose continued to fix up the cars in the garage with me keeping her company, Alice fluttering in every few minutes showing us her new outfits from her latest shopping spree and demanding to know the blonde's opinion before playfully strutting out of the room to change into the next outfit.

The front door opened and closed with a slam, which was unusual for the normally silent house, causing everyone to pause.

"She knows," Edward whispered, knowing that we could all hear him. 

Immediately we all shared a glance, throwing our things to the side and rushing toward the main staircase where Edward was standing.

"What do you mean she knows?" Rose hissed, not wanting to believe what we all knew happened.

"She knows, knows everything," Edward continued, looking around at all our faces, obviously reading the room.

"So now what?" I ask, looking around for a second before looking at Carlisle. "What do we do? Up and move out of the blue? Kill her? Change her?"

Carlisle, for the first time in all the years that I've known him, looks unsure. Taking a second before looking towards Esme and then back at everyone else, noticing everyone's eyes watching him, needing answers.

"We continue as normal," he started, continuing to think over his words carefully. "If things get bad enough, Genevieve could always-"

"It'll all work out," Alice piped in, giving everyone a reassuring smile. "We just have to give it time."

Rose scoffed and quickly left, heading upstairs towards the bedrooms, Emmett following quickly after her, patting Edward on the shoulder before going. Alice quickly left after them, jumping out of the open window and onto the large tree branch that hung just outside it, Jasper instantly following her as they made their way to a different part of the house. Carlisle gave Edward reassuring glances, trying to help ease his obviously stressed state of mind. While Esme gave him a soothing hug and smile. The two parental figures quickly leave to sit on the couch and talk, their eyes expressing some silent message to one another that not even Edward could decipher.

I met Edward's gaze and bit my lip, leaning back against Theo's chest, my tension finding some sort of small relief when Theo wrapped his arm around my waist. 

Edward and I quickly fell into a staring contest, him trying to read my mind, while I forced him out of it anytime I could. Instead of yelling at him like he expected me to do, I rolled my eyes at him and scoffed in disbelief before storming out of the room. Theo followed close behind me a few moments later, grabbing a small cactus that had been sitting on top of the piano before joining me at the top of the staircase.

"Alice told me to grab it-"

Suddenly, a loud crash reverberated throughout the house, followed by a growl of irritation from Edward. Esme and Carlisle were quick to calm him down, directing him outside of the house to let out the rest of his frustrations. Not wanting to risk the rest of the house to the boy's frustration towards knowing that Bella knew our secret.

"Now I see why," Theo finished, looking down at the plant fondly. "Don't worry, I'll find the perfect spot for you."



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