Bonus Chapter 1

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Three years later

It's been three years since me and Nat had started dating. Me and Nat were 36 and Peter was 19. Peter was now dating MJ. They had bought an apartment together right next to their college.

It was a Saturday.

"What do you want to do?" Nat asks.

"Ice cream?" I ask.

"Of course baby." She says and kisses the top of my head.

I grab my shoes and put them on. I grab my keys and get into the car. We drive to the subway. I park my car and we walk down to the station. We get on a train and go to Manhattan. When the subway stops we get out and walk up the stairs. The New York breeze hits my face. I grab Nat's hand and walk to our favorite ice cream shop.

"Back again so soon?" The lady at the counter laughs.

"Yeah." We say.

"The usual?" She asks.

"You know it." I say.

Me and Nat walk over to a table and sit down. The lady brings us over our ice cream.

"How much?" I ask.

"It's on the house." She says.

"Thank you so much." Nat says.

"Anytime." She smiles.

"A chocolate and vanilla swirl cone for my lady." Nat says handing me my ice cream.

"I love you baby." I say kissing her cheek.

"I love you too babe." She reply's.

We eat our ice cream and talk for a little while.

"Bye Melinda." I call. (Melinda is the ice cream lady.)

"Bye guys." She calls back.

We walk outside and turn a corner. I grab Nat's hand and pull her in close to me.

"What are you doing?" She asks smiling.

I smile and place my lips on her's. I close my eyes and pull away.

"What was that for?" She asks.

"I want you to move in with me." I say.

I can feel her looking directly into my eyes. I look up.

"You don't have to if you don't want to." I say.

"Y/n," She says grabbing my hands. "I would love to."

I smile as she pulls me in for a kiss. She pulls away and smiles: "Are we going to go and look for a house or what?" She asks smirking.

Two months later

It was winter break and Peter and MJ came to visit.

"Hey sis." Peter says walking through the front door.

"Peter!" I exclaim. I run up to the door and hug him.

"Hey MJ." I say.

"Hi Y/n." She says.

"What's with all the boxes?" Peter asks.

"Oh Y/n didn't tell you?" Nat asks emerging from behind a wall.

"Hey Nat." Peter says.

"Hey Parker." Nat reply's smiling at him.

"So what's with the boxes?" He asks.

"Well me and Nat bought a house together." I say.

"Wow really?" Peter says. "That's so cool."

I smile.

"But what are you going to do with this house?" He asks.

"Well we sold it." I say.

"What!?" He exclaims. "We grew up in this house!"

"Pete I'm sorry but I need a fresh start." I say. "This house still reminds me of when mom and dad died because it's the first house we had without them. Having a new house will hopefully erase some of those memories."

"Yeah I guess so." He says.

"Do you guys mind helping us finish packing?" Nat asks. "It would be such a great help. We don't have that many things left."

"Yeah of course." MJ says putting her bags down by the front door. She follows Nat upstairs leaving me and Peter downstairs.

"Ok so all we have left is half of the living room and a little bit of the loft." I say.

"Well then let's get on it." Peter says.

About an hour and a half passes and everything is packed. We do one last check and meet downstairs by the door.

"So I guess this is the last time we will see the house." Peter says.

"Yeah I guess so." I say looking at the ground.

"Hey it's going to be ok." Nat says hugging me.

"Yeah." I say leaning my head on her shoulder.

We hear a car honking form outside. I turn around and see Tony, Pepper, and Morgan in their car. I smile.

"Shall we take the boxes out to them?" I ask.

"We shall." Nat says.

We each grab a box and bring them to Tony's car.

"Six boxes in each car people." Tony says. "Six in mine and six in yours."

They get out of the car and help with the boxes. When we finish I stand outside of the house next to Peter.

"You know it's going to be ok." I say to him.

"Yeah I know." He says.

I hear Nat honk the horn from behind me.

"I have to go Pete." I say. "Promise you'll visit me?" I ask.

"Of course." He says. "Just give me the address."

I give him our new address and get into the car next to Nat. I wave goodbye and watch the house disappear.

Five days later

Me and Nat finally finished unpacking. We had bough all new furniture and decorations.

"Well," Nat says. "How do you like it?"

"I love it." I say pulling her in for a kiss.

"Good." She says.

I walk out of the house. To the left is a big grassy hill. I walked up it and sat down, looking at the sky. I look over and see Nat walking up the hill with something in her hand.

"What's that?" I ask.

"Cake." She says.

I smile and take it from her.

"Why do you have wine glasses?" I ask.

She sits down and sticks the cup into the cake. She turns it in a circle and pulls it out.

"So we can eat it from the cups." She says.

I grab the other cup and do the same. We eat and laugh and talk for a while. The sun starts to set. We lay down next to each other, putting our heads together and grabbing each other's hands. I look over at her and smile. We watch the sunset and stargaze.

Nat looks over at me a little while later and sees me asleep on the grass. She smiles and picks me up. She brings me inside and puts me in our bed. Then she goes outside and finishes cleaning up the cake and dishes.

When she finishes washing them and putting them away she changes and lays next to me.

"Goodnight bubs." She says kissing me on the forehead. "I love you."

She shuts off the light and snuggles up again my body, falling asleep.

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