part 2

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“Kim Taehyung”???!!!!!!!?

Y..yes. Are you Jeon Jungkook??

Yeah. Hello ( with an attitude)
Shall we go on?

Tae: oh…..yes.

With that they headed to their home in Jungkook car. Jungkook didn’t said a single word to Tae at the car.they were totally silent.

After 15 mins they reached their home.They got out of car and JK said Tar to follow him.They stood in front of the door and JK rang the bell.

After a minute the door opened and a boy with fluffy hair, sleepy eyes, wearing shorts and oversized T-shirt, a pouty face was standing while rubbing his eyes. And that was Jimin.

JK didn’t wait, he got inside the house and started climbing the stairs..he didn’t even look back..

Tae stood there with a really confused face.. Didn’t know what to do..

Jimin: aishhhh jeykey. Oh hey hello.. Come in please..

With that Jimin dragged The inside the house..

Tae saw a boy
Sleeping in the living room.
Tae was still confused.

Jimin: please sit in the sofa and can I know your name?

Tae: o.. My name I Kim Taehyung… but u can call me TaeTae..

Jimin: ooo…really sweet name as u are..BTW I’m Park Jimin..

Tae: You also nice name..and nice to meet you..

Jimin: U sit here and let me call the other ones..OK?

Tae: ohhhhhh..OK ( with a nervous voice)

Jimin went half through the stares and shouted:

After that Jimin came down and went behind the sofa Tae sat.and again he shouted:

The boy woke up like a zombie..The boy was none other than J- hope..

J- hope: What happened Jiminaaaaaaa… why are u shouting??!?!

Jimin: Look the boy came hyung….

Then he noticed a pretty boy sitting on the sofa beside him.

J- hope: Oh helloooo how are you??

Tae: I’m fine thank u and u?????

Jimin: He is Jhope ,our hyung …. He is ur hyung too OK? And hyung he’s taetae….

Jhope: what a nice name..

In the meantime 2 other boys came
downstairs.They reached the living room and saw Tae.

Jimin: (pointing at Namjoon) he Is Namjoon hyung..( pointing at Suga) he is Suga hyung..he is sweet as sugar( while blushing) they all our hyung..u know the seniors????? Hahahaha.. hyung he is Taetae our little brother..

Suga&NJ: hello bro nice to meet you

Tae: hello hyung ..

Jimin: but where is Jin hyung???

NJ: u know he is WorldWideHandsome so he is doing his makeup and getup first and then he'll come down.

Jimin: oh……….. .goyyyyysssshhhhhhhhh…he is……

Jin came down with his WorldWidehandsome face..

Jin: Jiminaah why r u shouting in this early morning???

Jimin: look here is Taetae..

Jin: Jin patted Taes head and said: woww u are handsome but not Worldwide handsome like me..

Tae smiled shily.

Jimin: Jinuu he is more handsome than you.

Jin gave his death stare to Jimin and asked:
Where is Jungooah?

Jimin: he’s in his room. Tae come with me I’ll take u to ur room and u have to freshup come with me..

Jimin and Tae went upstairs and stood in front of JK's room.he knocked but there wasn’t Any he turned the door nob and the door opened.they went inside and saw JK sleeping on the bed..Jimin sighed an said:


This chapter is too short..but I'll try to write bigger part from the next chapter.
Do you like this chapter??
Ignore grammar mistakes plz.

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