part 10

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After two days morning they were in university.

All if them were in their own class.when Rae’s class was going on, he heard a sound of msg in his phone. He saw the msg and that was from Bogum said

“Are you free now?”

Even after two days of Bogum's party, Bogum kept sending a lot of msg to Tae everyday every night. But he Only sees the msg .he doesn’t reply.

After all of his class ended he and Kang were walking around in the campus waiting for others.

Suddenly he heard someone calling from behind.he turned back and saw the extremely unexpected person.and that was BOGUM.

He was shocked and terrified to see Bogum. Wanted to run away but he couldn’t.Bogum came towards Tae with really big smile and said with happy voice


Tae nervously said,


He is seared of Jungkook. If Jungkook sees him then surely jungkook will get mad and never will talked to him.

Tae asked sheepishly,


Bogum: I was passing through here and suddenly thought if all of your classes were over we could hangout for some time. So I’m here and luckily saw you .

Bogum thought in his mind,

“(I came here only for you Taehyung. I was tensed about you because you weren’t answering my msg but all of them were seen.)”

Tae: oh..but Namjoon hyung is still in class and the others are also in their class.

Bogum: OK(he thought few moment)  Is your class over?

Tae: yaa…

Bogum said in happy tone with sparkling eyes,

“Then what are you doing here alone? Let’s go for coffee,what do you say?”

Tae was feeling horrified…he sad nervously,

“No..oo..umm..thank you..I’m just waiting for all of them.”

Bogum: let’s go..nothing will happen. We will be back in ten minute.

Tae:’m OK with Kang.oh..let me introduse.he is Kang class mate my friend.

With that he pointed at Kang.

Bogum: oh..heyy..nice to meet you Kang.then let’s go, Kang also come with us.

Kang: nice to meet you too.but I can’t go with you because I have to go home early..but thank you for asking me.

Bogum: oh..then we can go together next time.

With that he said: Taehyung, let’s go.we'll be back in ten minute.

He pulled Tae's hands end headed towards the coffee shop near the university.

Tae was really very seared but he didn’t had any choice.

At coffee shop

Tae was impatient.he kept looking at the clock and said like thousand times

“ please let’s go back to university

But Bogum kept saying

“Yes, but two minute more.”

Tae didn’t even had one sip of coffee. He wanted to go back to university as soon as possible.

Bogum was annoyed then he said,

Unwanted Guest (TaeKook)Where stories live. Discover now