part 29

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They didn't utters a single word, just hold each other in tight hug. Suddenly happiness engulfs Tae in a hug which turns out to be awkward as the immediately put distance between them. It's been two and half years since they've touched eachother and the shyness coat's them.

"Everyone is here waiting for you." To release the awkwardness, Taehyung says.

"Yeah.."Jungkook said simply while looking at Tae.

"Th..they are waiting." Taehyung says and Jungkook nods but neither of them moves.

"We should go." Taehyung says again and Jungkook  Hesitatly Taehyung looked at Jungkook, who already stared at him. Their eyes meet......deep brown eyes with black ones. The way Jungkook's eyes deepen more and the way Taehyung breathes heavily, both of their hearts beating erratically. The distance, the time is making them impatient. They have been deprived of eachother's love and touch for way too longggggg.

"Enough" Jungkook utters and grabs Taehyung's waist, pulling him closer and capture his lips in a luscious kiss. And Tae's arms immediately circle around Jungkook's neck. Pulling him closer as they finally feel the euphoric feeling of eachother's lips. The euphoric feeling of being love.

They didn't care where they are, what's the time, how many people are surrounding them. They just kissed eachother like there is no more tomorrow. Like this is the last day of earth.

"Cough" "Cough" Jimin clear his throat.
"We are waiting too. You two should continue whatever you are doing later at home." Jimin said

They chuckled and quickly moved apart. Taehyung's face turned in red in shyness. Eyes are fixed on ground. Jungkook smiled to see him. Then turns towards Jimin.

"Hey...Jiminsshhii" Jungkook hugged Jimin.

"JeyKey ...happy to see you." Jimin hugged back.

Then everyone come near to Jungkook and hugged him. This is a group hug except Taehyung and Yugyeom.

They broke the hug. Then Jungkook introduce Yugyeom to all. They hugged him with warm smile and love.

Jin: Welcome Yugyeom. We are glad you came to our wedding.

" Me too Jin Hyung. I'm feeling honoured to see all of you happy." Yugyeom said with smile.

Tae was standing quite far from Jungkook. Jungkook hold Tae's hand and bring to Yugyeom.

Jungkook: Tae, this is Yugyeom and Yugyeom this is my man.

Yugyeom: oh hi.

Yugyeom raise his to shake Tae's hand but  Jungkook stopped him and said,


Yugyeom dumbfounded.

"Like seriously????!!!!!!!!! Yugyeom frowns and said again,

"Our super possessive Jeon Jungkook. I just wanted to shake his hand if you don't see."

" No need to shake his hand. Only introducing is enough." Jungkook said with blank face.

Everyone started laughing.

Suga: Ok ok...let's go home.

There were two cars. In one Jin, Namjoon, J-Hope and Yugyeom. And in the other one there was Suga, Jimin, Taehyung and Jungkook.

Tae and Jungkook were sitting in the backseat. Tae was sitting quietly. He still couldn't believe that Jungkook came back. It was like a dream to him. Jungkook was sitting while holding hands with Tae

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