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Next day

In the morning Mrs Jeon went to Jungkook's room to wake him up. She knocked on the door but Jungkook didn’t open. So she opened the door and went inside the room. Jungkook was still sleeping. She went towards him and kissed his forehead. She shake him slowly and called,

“Jungkook get up baby, it’s already 10:30 am.”

“Umm. Eomma, I wanna sleep a little more.” Jungkook said to her with a sleepy voice.

“Baby, Good morning, it’s already late. Now get up. I’m waiting for you. We are going to eat our breakfast together. Get up.” Mrs Jeon said.

“Ok, ok. Just two minutes more. I’ll be there soon, you go.” Jungkook finally said to his mother.

Mrs Jeon went back to the downstairs. In that time Jungkook’s phone buzzed in a message. He pulled his phone from the side table and saw the message.

“Good morning, my bunny” message from Taehyung.

Jungkook smiled to see this message. Ha called Tae and Tae picked up the call.

“Good morning” Tae said to him with love.

“Good morning baby. You're already awake?” Jungkook asked him with a sleepy voice.

“Yeah. You are still in bed? Did I just awked you up?” Tae ask him with guilt.

“ noh, Eomma awked me up.” Did you slept well baby?” Jungkook asks him with portions of love affection.

“hmm..ok now get up and take your breakfast. We'll talk later.”Tae said to him.

“ Ok. I’ll call you back later. Take care. I love you my baby bear.” Jungkook said.

“ love you too.” Tae said him shyly and cut the call.

Jungkook keeps the phone on a side table and got out of bed. He went to the washroom to do his morning routine.
After that, he went downstairs for breakfast. His mother was there waiting for him.

“Come, and sit here.” Mrs Jeon said to him and pointed to a chair.
Jungkook sat on the pointed chair beside his mother and started to take their breakfast.

They are having their breakfast but they were silent. They didn’t say anything.
After finishing their breakfast they sat in the living room. Finally, Mrs Jeon spoke out,

“Jungkook, I wanted to know something. And I hope you will tell me everything. I’m your Eomma, and you can tell me anything you want to tell. ok?” Mrs Jeon asked him. She held her hand Jungkook’s back and moved it up and down.

Jungkook looked at his mother with a blank face. He didn’t say anything.

Mrs Jeon: Can you please tell me why are you not interested to go to London? Of course, there is any reason behind it. Please tell me.

Jungkook lowered his face and looked at his both palms. But still, he was quiet.
Mrs Jeon: Please baby. You can tell me anything and I promise, I’ll always be your side.

“Eomma, why do you both want me to go to London for higher education? Why not here in Korea?” Jungkook ask her slowly. Still, his head is lowered.

“It’s because our company is really big and you have to know how this company should run for success. And seems you are not ready, so we want everything best of you.” Mrs Jeon said him to explain.

“But why don’t here in Seoul, Eomma? I don’t want to go? I just can’t leave.” Jungkook said slowly and the last line said in a really low voice but enough for his Eomma to hear.

“Then you should tell me the proper reason to stay in Seoul.” Mrs Jeon ask him in a serious tone.

Jungkook’s mind was thinking as a storm. One time he wants to tell his mother about Tae then he thought maybe this is not the right time. Then again wanted to tell her. Because Tae is the main reason behind all of this.

Jungkook looked at his mother who was already looking at him and waiting for his answer.

Jungkook looked at his mother eyes directly and finally, he decided what he gonna tell to his mother.

“Eomma, I’m in love with someone and I just can’t leave hI’m here,” Jungkook said to his mother without any hesitation.

“Oh...You are in love with....HIM!!?? Not HER? Oh, God!! So who is he? Can I know about him?” Mrs Jeon asked him curiously.

“It’s KIM TAEHYUNG,” Jungkook said to his mother with a determined voice.

Mrs Jeon looked at Jungkook dramatically. There was silence between them for few minutes. Jungkook wasn’t scared but he didn’t utter a word.

Suddenly Mrs Jeon started laughing. And Jk looked at her with his eyes widened. He was amazed why she was laughing. But his mother was still laughing.

“What!!??” Jungkook asked his mother. But tears started falling from her eyes while laughing.

“Eomma... please stop.” Jungkook almost begging her.

“Ok..ok” finally his mother said while wiping her tears. Then she said to Jungkook with smile,

“You know what Kookie? I knew that something like this would happen. And I also told this to your Aunt Nahyun( Tae's mother).”

“What??” Jungkook confused.

“Yes, Kookie. And we both wanted something like this to happen. And we are so much happy for both of your relationship. Ok. Let me go. I have to inform this good news to your Appa and Aunt Nahyun.”

With that, she went to her room to make some calls. Jungkook was sitting there like a fool.

After three days on the morning in Seoul

“Ring” “Ring” “Ring”

Jin's phone is ringing. He pick up the phone.

“Hello, Aunty.” Jin greeted her.

Mrs Jeon:Hello my boy. How are you all there?”She said with a laugh.

Jin: We are fine Aunty. Thank you. How are you all? Where is Jungkook? When he'll come back to Seoul?

Mrs Jeon:  We are fine also. Thanks. Listen to me very carefully ---

With that Mrs Jeon said something to Jin.

Jin's facial expression suddenly changed. He found himself dumbfounded after Mrs Jeon cut the call. He didn’t know what to do. Should he stay quiet or he should scream or cry or something else.

“What the hell did she just say to me? How am I supposed to not tell this to anyone? How can I stay quiet? Oh God, save me.” Jin said to himself while rubbing his neck.

Then he went to downstairs the living room where the others sitting while watching tv.

He went to the couch and sat there with the others. He was quiet for like 10-15 minutes, then he suddenly said,

Jin: Guys I’m bored here in Seoul and Junggooah also not coming back so what about going to Busan tomorrow?

All of them looked at Jin with curious eyes.

Jhope: Suddenly Busan? Why?

Jin: We were supposed to go somewhere out of Seoul. Aren’t we? And since Jk is still there let’s just go to Busan. What do you guys think?

Everyone were looking at each other.

Jimin: It’s not a bad idea. Right guys? And also Tae can meet his Mom.
Everyone were again looking at each other.

Namjoon: What do you say, guys? Suga, Jhope, and Tae? How’s the idea?
He said and looked at them.

They stay quite a few seconds and then all of them looked at each other and said together happily,

“Okey. Trip to Busan!!!”

The next day after lunch they all headed to Busan by Train. All of them were happy.

They had a lot of fun during the journey. All of them decided to surprise Jungkook. Except for Jin because he knows that Jungkook won’t be surprised but the others will. Jin hides his smile from others.

After three hours they reached Busan.

They got out from the train and Jin offers them to eat some snacks from the restaurant near the station. The others were arguing why the restaurant? They can go directly to Tae or Jungkook’s home. But Jin then said to them that after eating something they all have to go to Busan's best five star hotel. The other boys chuckled and looked at Jin with confused eyes. They asked him but Jin technically avoid the question. Then they are some snacks there and it was already evening. Then they headed to the hotel. Mr Jeon secretly sent a big car. Jin was pretending like he rented the car. In the car, all of them kept asking Jin about who threw the party. But Jin wasn’t answering. Everyone we’re super confused. After 20 minutes they reached their destination. Them they got out of the car, they saw everywhere was sparkling with lights. They came to the front of the hotel. Then they all ( except for Jin) were shocked to see a banner. The thing is written in the banner was..........



I am sincerely sorry I could not update the story in time. I was sick. I have severe anaemia for which I get tired very quickly. I will try to update the story more quickly.  I hope everyone will forgive me.  It's a small part.

Take care and love you all.

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