•Hell-o for Semi•

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Y/N's P.O.V

While we are walking at the hallway we spotted Mashiho and Yoshi taking a picture of the two of them

Jihoon: call them *smile*
Y/N: Mashiho! Yoshi!

They both look at us Yoshi drop his book then Hyunsuk start nagging at Yoshi as he pick the book of Yoshi

Yoshi: Y/N Jihoon hyung!

Then they both run to us as if they didn't saw Hyunsuk, hyunsuk look at them confused, the treasure go to us too and they hug me Hyunsuk still confused then he walk toward us I hugged him I know he was shocked but I keep hugging him

Y/N: I miss talking to you too *smile*

He push me slightly but he didn't remove my hands on him

Hyunsuk: she can speak now? You can speak now?

We all nodded our head then he hugged me again

Hyunsuk: I miss your voice

Then someone separate us and it's semi, she fake cough before she speak

Semi: why are you hugging him

I stood up straight and I stare to her through her soul then I push her at her shoulder using my right hand

Y/N: why? Are you something to him? I bet he didn't even greet you a good morning when he saw you

The hallway was now dead silent because of the intense building to the two of us

Semi: why? How about you did he greet you?
Y/N: If I say yes? Will you kill yourself?
Semi: why would I?

She pushed me then I push her also

Y/N: I don't think you are in relationship with him, because he always push you *smirk*

She didn't say anything on my words the students started to say 'BOO' or 'EYY' I push her once again before I leave to go to my classroom

Doyoung: you can't mess up to my noona now

Then they also go to their room

                    -Time skipped-

It's just free time I'm having a chitchat with Junkyu since Hyunsuk and Jihoon get us snack at the canteen

Junkyu: how did you speak? I mean h-
Y/N: well I don't even know, I just look at my clock the I said I'm still sleepy until I realized that I just speak *chuckle*
Junkyu: I miss your voice and now you can finally speak

We both exchange smile then we both saw Semi approaching us we both look at each other then we burst to laugh, why?

Semi: Why are you laughing huh?

Then the students started to laugh too, I stood up then I laughed at her face

Y/N: what's wrong with you semi? Are you sick?
Semi: sick my foot
Y/N: I bet you should look what I'm talking about

I open my phone camera then I face it to her, when she saw it, she scream

Semi: yah I bet you did this
Y/N: can't you see I'm just talking to Junkyu? You enter this classroom with that ugly @$$ face *laugh*

Then she run away I think she go to girls comfort room then Jihoon oppa and Hyunsuk enter the room laughing

Jihoon: what happened to her?
Junkyu: we don't know either

The students are laughing at her really, then our class rep. Speak

Cls.Rep.: okay we can have our lunch now *smile* forget about semi now *she laughed*

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