•Everything went down again•

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Jihoon's P.O.V

When I arrive at the school I walk inside then I walk alone at the hallway, I don't have Y/N now she's now in here new school, while I'm in locker I feel someone in my back so I look back it's Doyoung then I saw treasure at the side not that far from us but I didn't saw Junkyu and Hyunsuk hyung

Doyoung: hyung tell me? It's not true right?
Jihoon: what is it?
Doyoung: Y/N noona transfer to other school

I didn't said anything Doyoung must be now really really close to my sister, because my sister is always at his side if she not with us

Doyoung: hyung is not true right?
Jihoon: Y-yes, she transfer to other school

Doyoung look at me with his teary eyes

Doyoung: hyung, why you didn't tell me yesterday?
Jihoon: I'm sorry
Doyoung: my noona *sob*

I hugged him, the other treasure are just standing there but I can see sadness to Yoshi

Then someone shout

Student: Hyunsuk and Junkyu are fighting in the garden!

We all run to the garden, when we got in the garden

Hyunsuk: it's because of you Junkyu!
Junkyu: hyung, if I didn't tell it to her, she might die! I don't want Jihoon hyung to loose his sister again!

We both separated them to each other

Hyunsuk: let me go! It's all your fault Junkyu!
Junkyu: I don't want to be selfish! That's Y/N's life! You like her don't you? But you keep saying if I didn't told it to her she won't transfer, but the problem SHE WILL DIE HYUNG! She will die!
Hyunsuk: sometimes you need to learn how to be selfish!
Junkyu: then learn without her if she die!
Yoshi: HYUNG JUNKYU! DON'T FIGHT! NOW WE ALL KNOW Y/N IS SAFE BECAUSE she's now in other school!

Yoshi suddenly shout making the two of them shut up, when he said the word 'she's now in the other school' he lower his voice a bit, I can hear the tone of sadness

Yoshi: let her be, she might be bothered at it so she just choose to transferred to other school we can just meet her at Jihoon hyung's house, you both know that, don't let Y/N know about this or else she will end up being guilty for leaving us, and SHE will be upset because the both of fight just for that

All of the students are just looking at us

Yuna: Yah Park Jihoon the principal is asking for you, it's about Y/N
Jihoon: coming

I look at the treasure, then I said to them before I leave

Jihoon: better fix this, because if I came back then the both of you are still didn't make it up I will never ask Y/N to go back on this school

Them I leave them quiet

               -at the principal office-

Jihoon: Mr. Song I'm here
Mr. Song: oh have a sit, well about Y/N did she transferred today?
Jihoon: Yes sir

Then we discussed it we took about 20 minutes, then I go back to our classroom well of course I'm late but I have a reasonable reason

Teacher: why are you late?
Jihoon: oh Mr. Song ask me to go to his office since Y/N already transferred to other school
Teacher: oh okay, you may sit now

I bowed before I head to my seat I look at Hyunsuk hyung and Junkyu, hyunsuk hyung is just looking at me while Junkyu was facing the window looking outside

                    -Time Skipped-

I saw dad's car is already here so I went to dad's car he was now able to drop and pick us at the school, when I get inside I didn't saw Y/N, so I ask dad

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