•The difference between•

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Y/N's P.O.V

I woke up all I can feel is headache I'm wearing an oxygen mask? For what? I have a hard time on breathing everytime I feel headache that's why. I can't feel anything but the pain, pain is the only one I can feel I heard the door open so I slowly turn my head on the door to see who it is and it's Jihoon oppa and mom

Mom: Y/N? Do you feel pain?
Y/N: yes mom

I said weakly, Jihoon oppa held my hands and he sit at the edge of the bed

Jihoon: you can go now mom I'll take care of her

Mom hesitant to leave but she need to work then Jihoon oppa speak

Jihoon: Y/N do you want to do some school works if you're not having headache? The doctor said you need to stay here, I already said to your teacher
Y/N: let me try

                   -after 1 month-

I finally can attend in school again I can still feel the pain but it's okay I can handle it now, the doctor said that its just normal to have headache so I got use to it, when I enter the building Jaemin and Renjun greet me

JM&RJ: welcome back!
Y/N: thank you *smile*

I need to slime for them I shouldn't look suspicious I need to hide it from them which is causing pain in my heart the difference between pain in head is just simple to handle but the pain in my heart its a hard one to handle I can't just burst this out I should keep it secret as long as I can

Jaemin: we miss you *hug me*
Renjun: I will join the hug since I miss you too *joining us*

I hugged them back then I pull it

Y/N: let's go?

They both nodded and we enter our class, when the teacher arrived the she saw she smile at me as I smile back

Teacher: oh hi y/n are you feeling well now?
Y/N: yes ma'am
Teacher: good to hear, okay class bring out you science book

Then all the students get there book out of there bag then the lesson start the teacher didn't rush me so that I won't make me pressure

                      -Lunch Time-

I'm walking at the hallway t cafeteria when the one student who have the same year with me but different class approach me

Girl: Y/N you have to see this

Then she show me her phone it's a statement from my old school, it was posted by one student from that school I read the outline it was written 'Park Y/N the sister of Park Jihoon had passed away last week the cause of her death is the accident last March one student pushed her at the rooftop named Lim Semi. She was sent at the house last month but last week she already passed away, there's a rumors that the hospital have mistook her at the one patient who had a tumor in her head the patient just had surgery before Park Y/N died'

Y/N: that's not true

I was frustrated by the outline, I'm not dead I'm still alive! Who would be that student? She/He shouldn't post an outline like that in social media it will make a big trouble I heard renjun calling me then I look back he run to me showing his phone I saw a girl, she  doesn't look like me at all she just have the same style and eyes with me

Renjun: you're the real Y/N right? Right?

He try to convince his self that I'm the real y/n

Y/N: it's me
Renjun: you're not Ahn jeongmin right? You are Park Y/N

Ahn Jeongmin?

Y/N: Ahn Jeongmin? Who is she?
Renjun: Y/N! Tell me that you are Park Y/N!
Y/N: it's me renjun! I'm park y/n I'm not Ahn jeongmin

He hug me tight and he pat my back

Renjun: you're not Ahn jeongmin right?

He still trying to convince his self that I'm park y/n I just tell the same answer

                    -Time skipped-

I'm now at the gate when I was about open it someone grab me by my waist then someone cover me by the white cloth then everything went black

Jihoon's P.O.V

I'm already home but I didn't saw Y/n's shoes so I decided to wait her, after 30 minutes of waiting she still not here so I call Renjun as he answered it quickly

Jihoon: hey renjun did you arrive home?
Renjun: yep I send y/n there, why she's not there?

I stood up then I went to her room but I didn't saw her

Jihoon: she's not here, she didn't answer my calls too
Renjun: oh maybe Jaemin ask her to go back to school to help him, Jaemin is not here yet
Jihoon: oh really? Well I'm just gonna ask him
Renjun: okay bye

I end the call, then I look for Jaemin's number then I call it

Jaemin: hey
Jihoon: are you with Y/N?
Jaemin: Y/N? No I'm not with her, didn't renjun hyung send him home?
Jihoon: Y/N I not here
Jaemin: try Heachan
Jihoon: oh yeah maybe she hangout with Heachan okay bye thank you
Jaemin: no problem

Then he end the call I try Heachan

Heachan: yes?
Jihoon: are you with Y/N?
Heachan: she arrived home isn't she?
Jihoon: but she's not here
Heachan: the treasure? Maybe one of them
Jihoon: okay I'll try
Heachan: call me back if she's there already okay? Renjun hyung is asking me also
Jihoon: yes bye

Then I end the call I try the treasure but they didn't saw her only person I didn't call and it's Hyunsuk hyung so I try I keep praying that she's just with Hyunsuk hyung

Hyunsuk: hey Jihoon why did you call me?
Jihoon: you're with y/n?
Hyunsuk: I'm not, I didn't see her for a month remember?
Jihoon: hyung you're kidding right?
Hyunsuk: no I'm no- wait she's not home yet?
Jihoon: yes
Hyunsuk: her class is done already isn't?
Jihoon: yes I already try the three member of NCT DREAM but they are not with y/n
Hyunsuk: then where do you think she will go at this hour?
Jihoon: she's not going to park unless it's weekend
Hyunsuk: wait I will go there
Jihoon: faster I need to find my sister

                   •To Be Continue•

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