Chapter 4

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The next morning;

Tessa was cleaning Valeria's master bathroom, mopping the floor, when Justin walked in causing her to immediately stand up and lower her head earning a sad smile from him.

Justin [coldly]: "I never liked you or Derek, but that doesn't mean I will do something to hurt you or Derek. You know that, right?"

Tessa [sadly]: "Yes, Mr. Foley. I know."

Justin [laid against the door and smiled]: "I saw you two talking last night; seems things are well between you two."

Tessa [shrugging]: "I'm trying not to cause any problems, sir. I just want to work hard enough to be able to provide for my daughter."

Justin [sighing]: "Of course."

Valeria [softly]: "Justin, babe; are you in here?"

Justin [coldly]: "Yes! I'm in the bathroom."

Here Valeria walked in and frowned as Tessa immediately got back on her knees and mopped the floor before facing her husband, who smiled.

Valeria [firmly]: "All is good here?"

Justin [kissed her lips and nodded]: "You ready?"

Valeria [nodding]: "Yeah, let's go."

Here they walked out and closed the door behind them leaving Tessa alone cleaning the bathroom

During that time;

While the Hamilton family and the Foleys were having lunch, Derek was washing one of Chris' sports cars, when Tessa walked up to him followed by Aria.

Tessa [coldly]: "Aria's going to attend Holliver Public High School and since I have four bathrooms to clean today, you need to take her to register."

Derek [smiling slightly]: "Okay."

Aria [stunningly]: "Wait, you're actually going to take me there?"

Derek [firmly]: "Don't give your dad a hard time. I love you."

Once he drove out of the estate, Tessa rushed back inside and was about to get into the elevator, but stopped as she overheard Lizzy talking on the phone.

Lizzy [firmly]: "I can't go see him! Chris made me sign papers preventing me from using money behind his back-I will see what I can do. Just-okay, okay, I get it, just give me some time to deal with this. Goodbye."

As she walked away, Tessa narrowed her eyes and froze in her place for a moment catching Justin's attention, who headed to her side worriedly.

Justin [coldly]: "Tessa? You okay?"

Tessa [whispering]: I just heard Mrs. Lizzy talking on the phone with someone about not being able to pull out money without her husband's knowledge.

Justin [sternly]: "Overhearing..."

Tessa [nervously]: "I am so sorry. I didn't mean to overstep. I'll get back to work, sir. Excuse me."

Here she rushed away earning a light scoff from him...

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