Chapter 20

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Valeria [jumping off her seat]: "WHAT?!"

Lizzy [shaking her head slightly]: "Jesus"

Aiden [hissing]: "Fucking explain!"

Justin [sadly]: "It was a week before I was adopted; a man visited Mrs. White. He was, um, old but looked very rich. I overheard them talking about Hailey. I couldn't hear much, but I figured it was something to do with selling her. The news of another pregnant teen living in the foster home would have gotten her in trouble, so I guess she chose the easy road and decided to sell her, which she did. I heard the man suggesting to sell her for ten thousand dollars, which she gladly agreed to take."

Lizzy [sternly]: "That's pure trafficking! That woman should be behind bars! I can't believe Tyler was in that house! I should've pulled him out a long time ago!"

Chris [sadly]: "Calm down, babe. Justin, keep talking."

Justin [coldly]: "There's nothing more to say. Mrs. White claimed she handed Hailey over to a good foster family, but I know she lied. Hailey wasn't adopted but taken by a sex trafficker. Check the dark web and see if you can find out anything about her."

Aiden [muttering]: "Shit!"

He typed her name in one of the search section and within seconds, he found out a very recent of twenty-nine years old Hailey Robinson being brutally beaten with a baseball bat by a man twice her age and size!

Man [shouting]: Come on, bitch! Tell the viewers what you did wrong!

Hailey [crying]: I ate without permission

Man [angrily]: Yes, and what does bitches like you get?

Hailey [whimpering]: Beaten up, sir. I'm sorry.

Lizzy [angrily]: "We gotta call the cops!"

Valeria [sadly]: "Aiden? Is that her?"

Aiden [sniffled and nodded]: "Yeah, yeah, it is."

Justin [firmly]: "Fighting those behind the camera will get you all in serious trouble, trust me. Aiden, if you truly wanna save her and her kids, you gotta play it by their rules."

Aiden [while looking deep into his eyes]: "How?"

Chris [coldly]: "Our parents-"

Justin [firmly]: "They don't have to know anything. No one has. You can secretly go and buy them from what they call her master or owner. You're a rich man and you've got a reputation to maintain. If anyone finds out about this, they'll come after you all and I bet that's not what you want."

Aiden [sighing]: "Of course not."

Valeria [sadly]: "Justin-"

Justin [coldly]: "Give me a large amount of money and I'll go get them for you. I'll use a fake identification and get them like that no one will know anything."

Aiden [firmly]: "I'll give you a million dollars."

Justin [smiling slightly]: "That'll be more than enough. It'll keep them from questioning me."

Valeria [shaking her head slightly]: "That's horrible."

Justin [firmly]: "Are you sure you wanna do this, though? The kids might not be yours."

Aiden [sternly]: "Go get her."

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