Chapter 31

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The next morning;

Tessa was walking towards Andres and Jessica's private section in the house, when Mrs. Riva, who was walking out of the elevator, caught sight of her causing her to immediately stop and gulp.

Sandy [firmly]: "Tessa?"

Tessa [nervously]: "Mrs. Riva, I-"

Sandy [sadly]: "Mr. and Mrs. Hamilton are in their kitchen. They woke up early and wished to eat by themselves."

Tessa [hesitantly]: "C-can I go see them?"

Sandy [softly]: "You don't need permission to go see your parents. Wearing a maid uniform won't change the truth."

Tessa [with tears in her eyes]: "Th-thank you. I'll get back to work as soon as I'm done talking to them."

Sandy [rested her hand on her arm and smiled]: "As you wish."

Tessa smiled as she walked away and hurried to her parents' private section, which included their own living room, bedroom, kitchen, bathroom, and closets. As she knocked at the door, their personal maid went and opened for Tessa, who nervously smiled at her.

Maid [coldly]: "I didn't inform Mrs. Riva we needed a toilet lady-"

Tessa [nervously]: "I want to talk to Mr. and Mrs. Hamilton, please. It's an emergency."

Maid [firmly]: "They're busy-"

Jessica [coldly]: "Who is that the door?"

Tessa [sadly]: "It's me; can I come in?"

Jessica, who stood by the maid's side, warmly smiled at her and nodded causing Tessa to walk in and close the door behind her.

Jessica [while hugging her]: "Next time, just open the door. Your siblings always do that."

Tessa [sadly]: "Where's Mr.-I mean dad?"

Jessica [softly]: "In the kitchen. After what's been happening around the house with the kids, he preferred to have breakfast here."

Here they entered the kitchen causing Andres, who was enjoying his morning coffee while reading the news on his Ipad, to immediately stand up and smile at Tessa, who was in tears.

Tessa [sadly]: "Hi dad."

For all answer, he went and hugged her causing her to cry on his chest and for Jessica to sit down on the table with tears in her eyes.

Andres [while helping her sit down]: "I am so happy you're here, honey."

Tessa [sniffled and faced Jessica]: "Me too. Um, I'm really sorry I came without-"

Andres [coldly]: "Don't ever apologize, sweetie. You might be a grown woman now, but we are your parents. You don't need permission to come and see us."

Tessa [wiped her tears off and nodded]: "Thanks. Um, I know it might not be my place to say this, but your eldest son is taking advantage of Hailey's case and I don't like that. Hailey and her kids, who are his kids as well, have suffered a lot and I honestly don't want that to continue. Me and Derek don't have much and with our own problems coming from everywhere, I can't focus on helping Hailey as I should and I was hoping you two could help me reach out for her siblings. I grew with them in the foster care system and I'm sure they'd love to see Hailey again."

Jessica [sadly]: "Honey-"

Tessa [while looking deep into her eyes]: "Mum, please. All I need is a raise to my salary so I can get them here in case they can't afford it. I'll take care of all their expenses, I promise, and pay you back. I'll work extra shifts and see if Mrs. Riva and the estate manager can give me extra work to do. Derek's working for you since-"

Jessica [firmly]: "No need to continue, honey-"

Tessa [nervously]: "Mum, I need help. I've been alone for so long, I-"

Jessica [kissed her forehead and faced Andres]: "Your father and I have a safe box set out in the main study room for your siblings to pull out money in case of sudden emergencies. Take as much as you need and do what you want. Just remember that your dad and I will always be here for you."

Tessa [stunningly]: "Really?!"

Andres [smiling slightly]: "The code is 199284."

Tessa [sadly]: "The day I was born."

Andres [kissed her forehead and nodded]: "Exactly."

Tessa [softly]: "Derek took Aria to school-"

Andres [firmly]: "About that; we want your daughter, Aiden's kids, and Chris and Lizzys nephew, to all attend Elton High School since they're all tenth grade students-"

Tessa [shaken]: "This is too much. I can't accept this. The tuition fee is too high and-"

Jessica [sadly]: "Honey, you're our daughter and as our granddaughter, Aria deserves to attend a good school and do whatever she wishes. I know things aren't perfectly stable, but she deserves this."

Tessa [firmly]: "I don't want to take anything and have your children attack me for it. If it weren't for Hailey, I wouldn't even have dared to ask for a raise or take money from the safe-"

Andres [coldly]: "You are my daughter too-"

Tessa [sadly]: "But unlike them, I did not grow up with you both."

Jessica [hissing]: "And all this because of that Penelope-"

Andres [sighing]: "Jessie, honey, calm down."

Jessica [sniffled and looked deep into Tessa's eyes]: "I know Aiden very well and I'm certain he is going to marry Hailey whether we agree or not."

Tessa [sternly]: "He can't do that! Mum, Hailey's been through a lot! She was forced to-"

Andres [coldly]: "I can assure you Aiden won't hurt her or their kids-"

Chris [shouting]: "Mum, dad, you guys in here?"

Here Tessa immediately stood up and moved away from the table panicking causing Jessica to stand up as well and frown as finely dressed Chris entered the kitchen.

Andres [firmly]: "Good morning, son-"

Chris [frowning]: "Tessa? Euh, what's going on?"

Jessica [softly]: "Your sister has come to see us."

Chris [firmly]: "You okay?"

Tessa [nervously]: "Yes, I am, sir."

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