Chapter 27 - Ignition of War

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"Where the hell is she?" I said under my breath as I walked back and forth across the room, waiting for Kauri.


Was that Belle?

Her voice brought excitement to my veins. The door to the room opened inward, and Kauri walked in with her.

"Why is she here?" I asked. Belle rushed straight at me and gave me a hug.

"Aaron couldn't keep her at bay. You've been gone for hours, so she looked around the camp for me and asked if I knew where you were." Kauri shrugged and left a smug look on her face. "You know the rest of the story."

"What happened? I thought you'd be back in a few minutes." Belle asked.

I sighed and patted her head. "A lot happened, Belle. I'm sorry."

"Here, clothes first." Kauri tossed me a shirt, and it landed on my face. "What's up with that body of yours? Look's like you've been through a lot, huh?" she said while staring at my scars and wounds.

I quickly put the shirt on to hide it, but the ones on both my arms are still visible.

"Um, battle scars?" I chuckled as I picked up my blood-stained jacket from the floor and put it on.

This is gross, but I need to cover my arms.

"Huh, okay. Anyway, I have good news for you." Kauri said while inspecting her fingernails.

"Let me guess, you killed another creepy dude around the camp."

"What? No, the good news is you're not sleeping here in this room tonight."

"What do you mean?" I scoffed.

"You're free to go, duh."

"But Jairus locked me in here."

"Ah! Forget about that douchebag, Emielle told me to escort you out of the bunker and let you stay in a tent where it's comfortable."

"She... said that?"

"Yeah, Belle insisted on it, and she couldn't refuse. That woman's got a soft heart when it comes to kids. Anyway, what's with the surprise?" she wondered.

"Oh, n-nothing." I looked at Belle and brushed her hair.

Right, Kauri doesn't know that Emielle and I are not on good terms after what happened on that construction site a couple weeks ago.

"Cyra, what's with the blood? Is this yours?" Belle asks as she inspects the bloodied jacket I'm wearing.

"That isn't hers. It came from Dea-"

"Oh! Look at the time! I think it's time to go." I said, glaring at Kauri.

She then immediately shut up and walked towards the door.

"Are you hiding something from me?" Belle wondered.

"No, of course not, kiddo. I'm just tired, and... I want to lie down so bad."

I can't let her know what happened to Dean.

She stared at me for like three seconds before letting out a sigh. "There's a comfy bed on our tent where you can rest."

I smiled. "Sounds good to me."

We followed Kauri out of the bunker. Once we're on the surface, I look around and notice the number of people gathered in the area.

"W-what's going on here? Where is this place?"

"We're still inside the camp," Kauri replied as she massaged her shoulder. Her words reminded me of the zones Aaron had told me about.

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