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New york was a big city, that being the exact reason i had chosen it for college. Growing up in the small town can be painful, with everyone knowing everything, so it was nice to get some air for the next four years of my life. It was nice to spend a year at home before going off to college, especially so far away.
I had managed to reunite with Jayden and Kenzie, rather frequently too. The three of us had remained friends, more so Kenzie and i as we both wound up in New york together. It made finding a roommate easy and just having someone who you know there with you, made everything so much better.
New york was a good place to go to college too, despite the high living fees, it was always busy. i liked that. It made staying distracted one of the easiest tasks in the world.
I had needed that distraction following Hayden and i's breakup. it had been four years and we had managed to become distant friends. well, if you could call it that. Our friendship group would occasionally reunite when we all happened to be back in LA, but apart from that, we didn't talk. Even then, we would barely exchange words. It had been two years since i last saw him, and from what i remember, we had an interesting night together.
We had turned into those two friends that were constantly on and off, until the last time we saw each other, we were strictly off.
I did often wonder what he was doing, who he was with, but that wasn't my place anymore. I had dated other people, here and there, but things never really lasted. It was somewhat embarrassing that my longest relationship was still with a boy from highschool.
Johnny and Kenzie on the other hand lasted two years before going their separate ways, he was in Sacramento and she was over in New York, the distance eventually broke them apart. Kenzie and Johnny both are completely fine though, they didn't fall back into their old habits like Hayden and I and actually kept in contact, as friends. I suppose it was easier for them, considering they had been friends before dating.
Speaking of Kenzie, she waltzed in, a wide smiling plastered across her cheeks. It only takes me a moment to realise why.
"Annie!" Jayden squeals, dropping several bags of luggage down at the door.
"Jayden!" i almost scream, springing to my feet and into her arms. After a tight and long hug, Jayden pulls away, revealing another girl, who i didn't recognise lingering at our door.
"Oh, Annie, this is Alex" Jayden informs me as her and Kenzie drift towards the kitchen. I smile warmly, extending my hand to her.
"I'm Annie"
The first thing i notice is her thick, dark curls trickled their way down her shoulders, stopping sharply just past her collarbone that was laced with several different pieces of jewellery.
"Alex" she smiled back.
Alex, was beautiful to put it simply. Her dark skin was flawless, not a blemish or pimple in sight, with warm brown eyes. She had soft eyebrows and a sweet smile to match, making her almost instantly appear friendly.
I welcomed her inside, following the other two into the kitchen. We walk in to see Jayden shushing Kenzie almost instantly. A grin settles across her face and i realise, she knows something.
"So, Alex, how did you meet Jay?" Kenzie purposes the minute we settle into the two seats sat around our tiny table. I see Jayden give Kenzie a light slap on the arm.
"At school actually" She smiles shyly.
I glance across at Jayden, who was displaying nervous behaviour. She had began picking her nails violently and avoiding eye contact.
"And are you guys dating?" Kenzie fired back, to which i scowl.
Jayden came out after leaving highschool as pansexual, meaning she basically just falls in love with people, no matter their gender. However, that doesn't mean everyone she introduces us to is a romantic interest, and i knew that, but Kenzie was still learning. It was pretty rude of her to ask that straight away if i'm being honest.
"We are actually" Alex smiles shyly and i shoot Kenzie another scowl. She had obviously made the poor girl uncomfortable.
"That's great, you two look so good together" i say, genuinely as i get up to hug Jayden.
Even after coming out, she still found it hard to share a lot of her life with us. She's actually had two past girlfriends, both of which we never got to meet because Jayden simply wasn't ready. I understood that though, sexuality is a difficult thing to figure out and an even more difficult one to accept sometimes. I just wanted her to know we love her and are proud of her, always.
The chat between the four of us then naturally flows and we find out more about Alex, she was really talkative, which Kenzie loved. She seemed really kind and just overall, a good fit for Jayden. They seemed happy, which made me happy. At least one of us had a good love life going on.
As the night progressed, we just continued to talk, and talk until eventually finding our way back to our rooms.
The next thing i know, is a banging headache. I groan at the brightness seeping through my blinds. My eyes already were having trouble adjusting. I turn over to my phone. A text from Kenzie reading, 'Jayden and Alex are out shopping, and i have 11am lecture, we'll be home later!'. I glance at the time, 13:07pm. Thank god i had no classes today.
Since i'm home alone, i don't bother changing out of my underwear and oversized shirt before making my way to the kitchen for some overdue breakfast.
The shirt was Hayden's, but for some reason, i still liked sleeping in it. In no way, does that mean i'm still in love with him, just to be clear. I'd be lying if i said i didn't think about how we somehow always found our way back to each other, it feels like something is always pushing us back together and we don't even know what it is.
I put myself a bowl of cereal and sigh. I'd had this conversation inside my head too many times before.
It seemed like we both knew that and in result, kept avoiding each other to stop history repeating itself, again.
But there was no avoiding him when he was sitting on my living room couch, arms and legs sprawled across comfortably.

total opposites-the sequelWhere stories live. Discover now