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"What the actual fuck?" A voice practically growls at me. I snap awake, my forearms support my upper body as i try to sit up. I realise i'm on a couch. Then i realise something more important, Annie was at the other end of it.
"What are you doing in my house?" She continues, her arms crossing sternly across her chest. I laugh a little to myself, she was clearly oblivious to last night's events.
"Kenzie let me in" i explain, leaving out the part where i called her very drunk, begging her to let me stay at her house for the night.
Her brows scrunch together in confusion, just like they always have.
I take note of her appearance. Every time i saw her, she'd changed in some way, wether it was something simple like her hair, or the way she spoke, something had always changed. That was primarily down to the fact we didn't exactly keep in contact or see each other regularly, but still, i remember what she was like the first day i met her.
"Well why are you in New York?" she presses. I can't figure out wether she's masking the fact she's somewhat pleased to see me, or genuinely displeased. She'd gotten better at hiding her emotions over the years.
"I have a job here in a few days" i shrug. She doesn't bother to ask what the job is, or who it's for, she walks out and again, i'm left with only the thought of her. I was secretly hoping she'd engage further in conversation so i could tell her about everything that had changed, and maybe slip in the fact  i'd actually moved to New York recently.
I'd been meeting up with kenzie each week, in several cafes, she'd predicted annie would react like this. I maybe should've listened to her, and let her go, for good.
I didn't like to admit that i was still attached to my highschool girlfriend, but as our paths kept crossing, she had gotten harder and harder to forget. I don't know wether it's because of the way of her sweet scent that she seemed to always be laced around her, or if it's the way the sun turns her big brown eyes into pots of gold, either way, she was still in the back of my mind.
In a platonic way, strictly.
We'd both moved on, making going back to each other pointless. I didn't really do the whole dating thing, i thought you were just setting yourself up for heartbreak in college in all honesty, but she'd
had a few boyfriends here and there, all of which didn't last long or were complete assholes according to kenzie. I sometimes wondered if that was my fault, if she looked for shelter in fucked up men.
Annie enters the room again, edging onto the other end of the couch.
My eyes widen.
"Hayden, in the nicest way possible, could you get the fuck out?" she manages to say, in a soothing tone.
I smirked smugly.
"Weren't you listening? Kenzie's letting me stay"
Her hazel coloured eyes roll backwards in frustration. She really didn't want me here and it was amusing, for me at least.
"Well", she says, pausing to glance at the time on her phone, "I need you out by two".
I groan, pulling the blankets over my head once more to consume their warmth. Just as expected, Annie strips them off, allowing the cold air to breeze against my skin, in a somewhat relaxing way.
"Why? What's got you in a rush?" i persist, still not moving, despite the cold air now blowing directly at me from the window.
Annie rises back to feet, rolling the blanket up into a ball.
"i have a date, now hurry the fuck up"
She hisses, marching off with the blanket in hand.
Hayden and i weren't really friends in all honesty, we just pretended to be when needed. It made things less awkward for our mutual friends, such as Kenzie and Jayden, but it was still uncomfortable.
Wether that was because we had gone back to each other for various hookups, or because i'd slowly grown to resent him, i didn't know. I also didn't need to find out.
Finding him passed out on the couch wasn't really a surprise, he tended to like to crash in various places, kenzie and i's included, but it didn't mean i wanted him here. Usually he was only here for a day, meaning he was easily avoidable, but his descriptions was fairly vague, and for Hayden, 'a few days' could be a week.
I had no escape.
The part that bothered me was the smug look that he consistently managed to maintain. He was in MY apartment, sleeping on MY couch, and still upkeeps a cocky attitude.
Some people peak in highschool, Hayden happens to be one of those. I almost felt bad for him, he had convinced himself this whole part time modelling thing was going to make him a star, but couch surfing across the country was really only getting him so far. He wasn't going to admit it to himself, or anyone else for the matter, that this isn't really what he wants for himself. It's clear he doesn't know what he wants, but anyone who's met him will know it's not this.
I hear a thump from the living room, causing my hand to flinch and ruin my eyeliner. i slam it down on the bathroom counter, taking a sharp inhale.
"Could you not?" I shout back.
He stays quiet. I pause before resuming. And there's a thump again, makeup ruined again.
I know he's doing it to annoy me.
I fling the door open, striding through to the living room that he's habited. He catches sight of me almost as soon as i enter the room, earning myself few snickers.
"Oh haha, you ruined my makeup. Are you done?" I snark, crosses my arms across my chest sternly. He sits up, the sun hitting his brown eyes. Brown was a dull way to put them, i always told him they resembled tiger's eye, the crystal with brown and yellow stripes going through them. He'd always blush and tell me to shut up, simply not knowing how to accept a compliment like that.
"I was just moving my stuff" Hayden insists innocently, pointing to the suitcase planted in the middle of the room.
I sigh.
I eventually finish my makeup, without any further interruptions and have to actually get changed. I'd browsed through my closet and couldn't really find anything i felt matched with my makeup. I probably should've thought that part through, but that's what i have Kenzie for.
I wander through to her room, choosing from her wide selection of dresses. I pull out two, a black lace one and a red silk one.
"Red always looks good on you" Hayden's deep voice chimes in.
"Why are you stalking me?" I huff in response, watching him pass me and place the green dress back in the closet. I guess that was that decision made.
"You forget i know what you look good in" He says, turning away without another word.
That boy was a whole new level of confusing.

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