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Part 4

Their plans that night were just another thing they had to look forward to that night, finally going to meet up with their friends for the first time as a couple- and a couple expecting a baby at that.

Y/N got dressed in a black long turtleneck and a pair of jeans with her boots- it wouldn't be too long before she was unable to wear things like that- not that she was complaining, she couldn't wait for her bump to grow.

As they walked into the bar hand in hand, they flagged down their group of friends- all tucked together in a booth at the far back of the pub.

To say that everyone was slightly confused was an understatement- their faces betrayed them, revealing just how confused they were at the sight of nathan and Y/N walking i hand in hand after sharing a kiss outside.

"Uh... Is this a thing now?" Gabe asked, looking between his younger player and his best friend.

Nathan nodded- going around the group and answer various forms of questions about their relationship. "How did this all start?" someone asked.

Y/N glanced at nathan. She figured it would be best if he explained it.

"I wanted to start a family- Y/N and I have loved each other since we were kids... she is already a big part of my life and we just realized that we wanted to be together and start our lives as a couple." he mentioned.

The group cooed at them while some were slightly skeptical of how long it would last. "So we got together... and we got engaged." there were a few gasps at how soon things were going on.

"We also have another announcement." Nathan spoke timidly- not sure how his friends would react.

Y/N blushed. "I'm pregnant."

The girls squealed excitedly as some of the guys choked, they certainly weren't expecting this from nathan or Y/N. The girl was like their baby sister- someone they had taken in when Nathan moved to colorado, while they all had their own bets placed on when they would finally get together, none of them saw it happening like this.

As the women fell into a conversation about whether or not Y/N was going to name the baby after one of them- jokes were passed around ranging from how long it's taken her and nathan to get together, to what would happen if the baby decided to wear someone else's jersey instead of it's father's.

Overhearing the conversation, Nathan smirked. "That definitely isn't going to happen- my baby knows i'm the best." he leaned in and kissed Y/N's cheek.

The woman rolled her eyes. "Yeah uh huh? Let's see what the baby says when they get here and see how annoying you are." she giggled softly kissing his lips and leaning back into his chest. They stood together watching as the group went out to dance for a bit- Y/N loved dancing but her nausea was starting to come back from earlier that day so she didn't feel like having any just yet.

Sensing her discomfort, the man glanced down at his fiance and pouted. "You alright?" he asked, his eyes washing over her as he drank in her appearance, following the furrow in her brow to the frown curved against her lips.

Y/N hummed, clearing her throat as she forced the bile down her throat. It felt like heartburn really. She hadn't eaten anything really that day so there wasn't much to throw up. "Yeah... just nauseous- i'm okay though." she reassured him.

Smiling softly, Nathan nodded. "I'll go get you some ginger ale from the bar- do you want some water too?" he asked, his hand gripping her bicep gently as he gave her a small comforting shoulder rub.

The girl couldn't help but fawn- even throughout their friendship, she had never seen Nathan this attentive and caring. "Please." she hummed.

Leaving her side, Nathan whisked himself away to the bar- making quick use of his skills as a professional athlete. It meant he usually got served a lot faster than other patrons if people actually recognized him.

Walking up next to her, Melissa made sure that Y/N wasn't alone for long. "So how you feeling momma?" she cooed teasingly.

Y/N chuckled. "Good... a little nauseous though- nates grabbing some water." she mentioned.

Meliisa hummed. "I heard that chewing gum can sometimes help with nausea." she recalled. "It never worked for me during my pregnancy with lin- but who knows, it might help you out." she spoke, reaching into her purse and digging around slightly to find a package of trident.

Passing the pregnant woman a stick of gum, Melissa smiled. "So you and Nate are really serious about this huh?" she asked.

Y/N grinned, taking the stick and popping it into her mouth. "Yeah... we both want the same things... and we want to do them together- it wasn't exactly conventional, but we are both committed." she explained.

It was difficult to put into words, especially when she knew that people were judging her and Nathan. There was no other way to describe it rather than that it was a feeling that just made her complete.

It was just right.

"I can't wait for us to have playdates with the kiddos." she grinned. Y/N absolutely adored kids and the fact that she was soon going to have one of her own made her day.

Melissa grinned. "Of course- if you have a boy, they will definitely grow up and marry linnea" She winked.

The two woman gushed about the children, laughing softly about all these made up scenarios.

"But in all honesty, if you and Nate ever wanna babysit linnea one night or day I would be down- might give you guys some baby practice, and me and gabe a break." Melissa suggested.

Y/N chuckled. "Are you using Nate's and I's lack of parenting skills to get yourself laid?" she teased.

Mellisa smirked. "Only if you'll let me." the woman walked off- heading in the direction she last saw her husband.

When Nathan returned, he had a sleepy grin on his face. "How's it going?" he asked, passing her the water first.

Sipping it earnestly, Y/N hummed. "Just talking about Melissa's plans to get laid while we babysit linnea." she chuckled.

Nathan raised his brows as his face flushed. He really didn't want the image of his captain having sex imprinted in his head. But babysitting definitely sounded fun.

"Soon enough we'll be doing that," he joked.

But Y/N knew he was right, when they finally did have a baby, they would be seeking breaks from family members and friends every chance they got. It was just normal.

As the two of them stood on the sidelines taking in one another's company, the night faded away from them- parenthood soon to be set upon them. 

𝐟𝐫𝐨𝐦 𝐜𝐫𝐚𝐝𝐥𝐞 𝐭𝐨 𝐠𝐫𝐚𝐯𝐞 | 𝐧. 𝐦𝐚𝐜𝐤𝐢𝐧𝐧𝐨𝐧Where stories live. Discover now